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DFW Horn

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Posts posted by DFW Horn

  1. 12 minutes ago, taybo20 said:

    I just don’t think it’s that easy to get buy in like that. Especially with guys that have been through multiple position coaches. And honestly, no one was saying cut Foster in spring. So that’s kinda dumb to say.

    No, it isn't. We've got 3 years of film with BJ taking poor angles, bad tackling, and weak ball skills. Throw in character issues and he's one we could've done without. Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane.

    But, now  Sark is gonna get tough and demand buy-in? Okay...

  2. 30 minutes ago, taybo20 said:

    I mean when would you have liked it to start?? You would have thought he was the dumbest human alive had he tried to turn over 30% of the roster during spring. We have the benefit of hindsight now. 

    Last spring, with a few bad apples like BJ Foster. I'm not convinced he needs to turn over 30% of this roster. He needed to get buy-in and to coach 'em up. Didn't happen.

    I have thought he's the dumbest coach alive at times this season. 

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  3. 5 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Yeah, let's hurry up and be the other formerly-good-now-shitty-UT in the SEC.

    Yeah, I was really excited about the SEC move until this past season. Now it don't make a shit. No matter where we go, there we are.

    I guess it'll make baseball more interesting.

  4. 1 hour ago, Landomatic said:

    ...I might be able to accept these shit results if the guy in charge had some kind of track record of successfully turning things around. But we don't even have that. There is literally nothing that makes me optimistic about this coach. Not one thing.

    Sark took an 0-12, 2008 U-Dub team to 5-7 in 2009. That's the extent of his dynamic turnarounds. Nothing about his HC track record says he's got the chops for UT.

  5. 30 minutes ago, taybo20 said:

    I just don’t think there was enough time for a purge to start in spring. It’s starting now tho and the messaging is going to be clear for new players coming to Texas 

    It's starting now bc Sark has gotta cover his ass while passing the buck.

    I expect 6-6 or 7-5, at best, next season if we turnover 30%+ of this roster. Unless we do better in the portal than we have. The DEs we got from Bama and LSU - Davis & Thornton - were JAGs. K-Rob was pretty good, but limited, or he would've seen more snaps. He's a liability in the passing game is my guess, both receiving and pass-blocking.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, HornsofBevo said:

    That’s the second thing he’s said (the first being “I’m built for this”) that leads me to believe he may be more aggressive then his public persona shows.  Out of all the coaches that have been through Alabama, Sark was the one they were ready to give the keys to the kingdom to after Saban retired. That leads me to believe that there may be more to him from a coaching standpoint then what we’ve seen so far. This season was a unmitigated disaster but I think if Sark is given the opportunity to recruit players he feels fits his system he will get this thing turned around. 

    Bama also hired DuBose, Franchione, Price (does he even count?), and Shula.

    An upgraded roster will be nice. Incidentally, why didn't "the purge" begin last spring? Now we gotta hope Sark doesn't need to make any halftime/2nd half adjustments in close games. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:









    What'd Ms. Fancyboots ever do to you, anyway?

  8. 1 hour ago, BurntOrange&White said:

    From a Nick Saban article about recruiting:


    "One of Saban’s key metrics for measuring mental toughness is how a player reacts after a bad play. Does he sulk enough to let it affect him on the next play or beyond? Or can he regain his focus and move on to the next play?"

    Agreed, but you're rarely going to see a HS player's reaction to bad plays on HUDL. You've still gotta take his HS coach's word on his "mental toughness".

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