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Ricky's one-hitter

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ricky's one-hitter

  1. Ranked the #4 P by Kohls: https://www.kohlskicking.com/player-profiles/michael-kern The Westlake kid, Spencer Barnett is ranked 3rd.
  2. What was not obvious to me, but is apparent to other online people with UC is that these transfers are all using the televised spring game as a launching pad to the portal. Get your current tape on ESPN and bolt. Good for them.
  3. Some are surprises they would have preferred to retain, specifically the freshman WR and LB
  4. Banks offers the #1 P (Kohls) in '24, Drew Miller of Iowa https://www.kohlskicking.com/player-profiles/drew-miller
  5. Weigman to bama would be everything. There’s not a good reason for him not to consider it and he’s certainly better than vd.
  6. This will be an incredible 30 for 30. Weitsman is not going to be publicly involved anymore, and the admin has not figured out NIL yet. Orangemen 🤝 aggy
  7. There has *literally* never been a justification for 5 which is WHY THERE ISN'T A LIMIT ANYMORE. Your appeal to ignorance is misplaced.
  8. This is a silly discussion. Dubose was a priority target and all Texas before he tore his ACL and Texas pumped the brakes a bit. Was Marion the most charismatic and authentic recruiter on staff? No. Is he a bad recruiter because that made Freddie feel bad? Also, no. The only reason you're saying "5" at all is because "5" has been the artificial cap based on nothing. The kids still have to earn the invite from the school, and schools still have the autonomy to be discretionary in who they invite for an official. I cannot understand the "you've had enough" position at all.
  9. It’s a part of my workday. I don’t itemize my time. You’re not getting a gd receipt. This is not Wendy’s. On time, on budget, and I’ll take as much surly time as I damn well please. Service businesses are not manageable in the minutia. Deliver agreed upon service within agreed upon parameters and how you get there is your own gd business. Edit to add: Well, it’s not entirely your own business. I don’t live in Austin now, but our company recently hired/fired a guy who is there and for the 3 weeks he lasted, he attempted to outsource his job to India. We’re fully virtual so he tried to just “check in” and attend meetings and send us shit late at night. We figured it out and it turns out this dude was trying to fund a software startup. CEO made him video call her when she figured out he was at a conference in Vegas and fired him lol.
  10. There’s something there with the Terry/Morris friction. A couple national guys alluded to it directly. Guessing isn’t hard as to root cause, sounds like it’s best for all parties. AND we rid the roster of open dv charges. Win-win.
  11. Imagine having a job as easy as Brian Hartline recruiting Payton Pierce to fOSU.
  12. Cool River was the cover band gig capital of the world, the best of which was Twyx. Fat CP dads screaming Renegade is a better time than it sounds.
  13. Same - I wasn't interested in Texas athletics coaches when he was here, and I don't follow cbb close enough to know about him despite that. So, I went to his wikipedia page. If there has ever been a more shining example of someone maintaining their own Wikipedia page, please tell me about it because this is the current gold standard. Let's investigate. A-HEM On February 26th, 2021, a Wikipedia user "" made four significant edits to the Frank Haith page. Spoilered below. Wikipedia allows for users to contribute as registered or as an IP user, which this user certainly is. How convenient then that the University of Tulsa's IP range is public info and these edits clearly came from campus. It appears that after leaving Tulsa, he was able to resource his Wikipolishing, or get wise to how his ip was outing these exploits. Brownpr has of course been deleted as an account in the last 2 weeks. How interesting.
  14. Tj Shanahan’s photogenic counterpart He visited here with his qb (not very good but ya gotta love the shirt) and has big Midwest offers. Big kid, good feet, smart. It would be a mugging if we can land him. Lagrangeville, ny profiles more to la grange, tx than Austin, but I would guess that’s a point in Austin’s favor. Flood is working his Rutgers connections. Looks like at least the qb trainer and their hs coach are long-standing relationships
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