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Ricky's one-hitter

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ricky's one-hitter

  1. There were questions that Bledsoe would be able to qualify at all. Getting him for spring ball is incredible.
  2. While I agree with your apt analysis, we're swinging big dicks over here. Even without context of the staff instability rumors floating around, I think Preston is gettable. The more I think about the Stewart recruitment....the more I'm reminded of Terrelle Pryor's. I would think there's a pretty sizeable chance this goes to February...or later.
  3. Gerry confirmed it on the same thread. He's also been clear that Red is a RB. So he's talking about Winfield or...the field.
  4. Clearly: Saban is retiring. Assistants are aware and are making plans for their future Ofc we're not dumpster diving to fill up WR. When Coleman is replaced, they'll bring a starter with them Holmon Wiggins has (reportedly) the best relationship with Preston of the schools recruiting him Draw your own conclusions.
  5. IT reporting he's pushing to February. All the indicators of him being processed.
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