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Ricky's one-hitter

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ricky's one-hitter

  1. It's hilarious how tortured this reads. From a way too early '25 mock draft on 247... authored by...
  2. If it's not the latter, there are really only two realistic candidates here: Jalen Shelley Brayden Burries (likely reclassifying) What's most likely is it's neither and we just lost Scott
  3. It's going to be really weird when Tacario Davis says "No thanks, Texas. I'd rather play for Duane Akina"
  4. No self-respecting lesbian would ever set foot in CS. Besides, the nerd glasses + blazer over tshirt + Cost Cutters combo is apart of the "hide my man boobs" starter pack
  5. Tacario Davis, come on down! https://247sports.com/player/tacario-davis-46110503/
  6. They're not on the roster, but they're not in the portal either. It's not that they want to play elsewhere, it's that they don't want to play at all. +1 Texum Aggynem
  7. Apparently closer to Bushwick Bill than Bill Brasky
  8. Can't justify putting this familiar name in the transfer thread
  9. SURLYpeoplewhomayabsorbinformationslowerornothavetheabilitytoconnectthedotsonstuffsotospeakHORNS.com
  10. One of our former recruiting staffers is their Asst Director of Football Ops. A disciple of Taylor Searels, no doubt brought in to up their shiplap and barrel game.
  11. All informational media distributed by a for profit entity, through a for profit entity, is going to require revenue to support it's existence. You know, ads. "I don't like podcasts" would have been a fine summation. No one is taking roll. Also, Bobby Burton is a good guy and Longhorn, and Gerry Hamilton is one of the best individual contributors to recruiting coverage in the country, and hands down the best we've ever had. If I have to sit through some ads that directly support those two, so be it. OTF becoming a legitimate source of content is good for everyone and I do not understand the reflex to bitch about their efforts to promote a sustainable business.
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