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Everything posted by Backpayne

  1. My '64 c10. Oldsmobile 468 engine, full air ride suspension.
  2. Backpayne


    Lost my 47 year old sister to colon cancer last June. By the time she had any symptoms (blood in stool/difficulty pooping) she was already at Stage 4 (45 years old). I wish they'd move the recommended screenings up to 40 years old. Lives would be saved. When I had my colonoscopy, the knockout drug was awesome. The best 25 minute nap ever. GET A COLONOSCOPY AND DON'T IGNORE SYMPTOMS!
  3. This Christmas will be relatively boring. I won't be going "home" to see my family as my g-ma is dying (nurse said within 2-3 days) and my oldest sister (47 yrs old) is battling Stage 4 Colon Cancer and I will not risk giving her anything. She is hoping to make it to see her daughter graduate HS in May, so keeping her as healthy as possible is of utmost importance. We will be going to my in-laws who I love and are very normal, but my SIL is coming, with her two annoying chihuahuas, and she drives me nuts. She drives my wife nuts, too, which makes me feel better.
  4. I'm speechless.
  5. Gundy is an idiot.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/heady_chris/status/1195023291896881152
  7. Minnesota's schedule had been absolutely pathetic and nearly lost a couple to awful teams. I can't stand Fleck and hope he loses every game until eternity.
  8. You seriously think you'd be 6-2 just because of your OC? Wow!
  9. YES!
  10. Fuck OU!
  11. This is fucking awesome!
  12. Dumbass kickers.
  13. Les Miles coaches KState according to Emmitt Smith.
  14. Uh....no fucking way. Hope isn't going to make your team competent.
  15. Unfortunately we have very little depth, so injuries are going to really hurt us. (Pun intended)
  16. KU will beat WVU. They are awful.
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