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Everything posted by TeddyBearStallion

  1. A Sooner lineman holding. Shocker...
  2. LOL, OU always gets preferred treatment from officiating crews. About time they get screwed on one.
  3. This. You level the playing field for all 130+ teams and you'll see much more parity when it comes to recruiting and on the field play. I think the shift wouldn't take that long either. Edit: and CFB will be much less predictable and mundane.
  4. Big XII not looking that good so far.
  5. You don't know shizz
  6. I almost went to this game. But the cost of parking though...
  7. They're 3-2 against P5 in this game. But after the 2014 Miami Beach Bowl and the thug shit they pulled, fuck Memphis and their fans.
  8. I wasn't expecting PSU to show up mentally for this game. I was wrong.
  9. Clemson going to serve Ohio State some humble pie.
  10. @bigcigar that was a typo, I misread it and meant to type that LSU would be getting celebratory drunk today. Chill out.
  11. Damn straight they are.
  12. deleted.
  13. Yeah, that lack of coordination is going to wonders for the other ACL.
  14. Only bested by their 1998 and 1985 teams.
  15. Mack Brown Bingo, halftime/postgame interview edition?
  16. On ESPN
  17. I'm curious as to what Oregon will be wearing in the Rose Bowl.
  18. TD EMU!!! This has been a good ballgame.
  19. No pics? This is incredibly tragic. 34 is way too young and must be incredibly painful for this family. Didn't George Washington die from pneumonia?
  20. or his route
  21. As much as y'all bitch about Tom Herman, atleast y'all won't be saddled with an AD and HC like Tom Holmoe and Kalani Sitake without any hope of change in the foreseeable future. Edit: and saddled with grossly underachieving as a program (to this degree).
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