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Posts posted by TeddyBearStallion

  1. 2 hours ago, Bartles said:

    ESPN Championship Drive, here on actual selection Sunday...Mark Sanchez seriously said - in his first comments on the show - that the real drama is who gets the 2 or 3 seed for home field advantage.

    It'll be #2 Ohio State vs #3 Clemson.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, Captain Obvious said:

    Can they play up the "bad blood" between tOSU and OUsucks with all the fake flag planting by former players in the NFL?  If the networks think they can, they'll keep tOSU at 1.

    That's be a stretch but they could play up how Clemson has owned Ohio State in the postseason.  

  3. 4 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    Yes, if you believe that the gap was almost nothing and this week would be the sole determining factor. I tend to believe the gap was a little wider. I agree LSU had a better day today. I think Ohio State did enough to give them a legit shot at the #1 seed though. 

    They've been flip-flopping LSU and tOSU each week in the rankings.   Then this today  LSU beats #4 (by 27) and tOSU beats #8 (only by 13).   I'd be surprised if LSU is not #1 tomorrow.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    LSU beat an overrated georgia and OSU beat a top 10 team with a strong second half. I dont see anything that makes me think one or the other is a slam dunk. I think being sure either way is just a guess. 

    Overrated or not, that committee is going to take into consideration the score in that game along with the #4 ranking of the team they beat and see how mathematically its more impressive then beating #8 34-21.  

  5. 3 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    You are talking in absolutes, do you know someone on the committee? I would love to make some money on 5 dimes if you have an inside source

    After today's games, how do they not?


    They've been flipping the two throughout the season.  

  6. 10 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

    It will be interesting to see who they put at 1. I think it might be Ohio State but I guess we will find out tomorrow. Now way to know until then. 

    They're going to switch Ohio State and LSU in the rankings.  

  7. 1 minute ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    That final play though. Fuck everything Ohio state i hope they g eat slaughtered 

    Clemson will take care of them. 


    I hope they review that last play, that looked like targeting and Proctor should sit out the fist half.  

  8. 3 minutes ago, Tribe171 said:

    FPI, S&P+ and all of the computer rankings will still have Ohio St number 1 by a wide margin. 

    All that matters is that the committee will put LSU at #1 and drop them to #2 to face Clemson who will boat race them.  

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