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Posts posted by TeddyBearStallion

  1. 9 hours ago, CleverNickname said:

    In the late 90s all the Dell folks had this great analogy about their JIT systems etc and how their competitive advantage was that they could stand in the deep end of the pool while competitors drowned. P5, but especially the true deep pocketed blue bloods, will use this as an opportunity to flush out the pretenders. No need to create a Super Div I to pool TV deals because all the scrub teams will have to cancel their teams anyway.

    This is ruining and will be the nail in the coffin for college football.  CFB is cannibalizing itself out of greed.  

    8 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Wait...someone update me on why ESPN gives a shit about some homophobic school in Utah? 

    Because they have a financial interest in said "homophobic school in Utah" in the form of a television contract?


    FYI, said "homophobic school" employs several gay and lesbian professors who are well established in their programs. 


    Also, Steve Young and his wife are big supporters of LGBTQ rights and equality. 

  2. 8 hours ago, Left Coast said:

    That’s cool ‘cause I heard Covid doesn’t impact Mormons or Southerners. So I’m sure ESPN will be lining up opponents for you this year...

    This is only if we have a season to begin with.  We probably won't even have a season, making this all a moot point. 

  3. I can guarantee you that if we even have a season, ESPN will be pulling the strings with the Big 12 or another P5 conference to fit us in in order to replace the five games we had scheduled (UU, Mich St, ASU, Minnesota, Mizzou, and Stanford (and Boise State if the MWC decides to follow suit as well)) because they have a financial stake with regard to their content, esp in the Saturday evening time slot.    

  4. 2 hours ago, mdmost said:


    If they were actually concerned about the health and safety of their athletes, employees and fans then they wouldn't have any games. They are just using the COVID as a convenient cover to further bury non-P5 programs and take a bigger share of the pie for themselves.  Greedy fuckers.  

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  5. 2 hours ago, mdmost said:


    Fuck the Pac 12, what does it matter if the games are conference or non-conference, you still are playing a high-contact sport in a stadium filled with people.  Covid doesn't follow NCAA and Pac 12 guidelines but the simple principles of biology.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Blotto said:

    Next will come the realization that every university in this country now has an AD budget that is proper fucked.  As most of these universities will also have massive holes in their overall budgets, and state revenues will be down.....good luck with a bailout. 

    All except maybe a dozen or so (including BYU) who are operating in the black financially.  

  7. 11 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Big time schools will be fucked too.  Only UT and maybe 2-3 others are in great position.  The vast majority of even bigtime programs will be hurt very badly.  They’re leveraged out the ass and can get away with huge money projects bc what bank would ever think their revenue could drop close to zero for a season?  It’s all a game of money - why is it the NCAA never truly hammers bigtime programs?  

    BYU will be fine because we are self-funded (with funding of programs for years on out) and one of a handful of programs operating in the black financially.   But this could really shake things up with regard to realignment as many P5s and all of the G5s take big financial hits to their programs.

  8. 1 hour ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    Perhaps canceling the nonconference slate is The power 5s way of showing they care about the health and safety of their student athletes so they can justify having an abbreviated season. Maybe there’s still hope yet for college football this fall

    Then they would lose all credibility to their claim of putting safety first because playing conference games would be no different then playing non-conference games.   Either play all or cancel the season.  Or pay up your buyouts.   

  9. Just now, HoffaJimmy said:

    If cases don't take a dramatic drop in the next 3 weeks a football season is looking less and less likely. 

    This is the most likely scenario.  I've already resigned myself to the fact that we very likely won't have football of any kind in 2020. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Bartles said:

    I wouldn't worry about Notre Dame finding 10 opponents or however many are needed. I mean, the Big 12 is sitting right there with no way to get to 10 games without a non-conference addition.

    I like the direction the powers-that-be are going. Give yourself a few more weeks to see if the virus settles, not to mention improving the safety by keeping everything in the family.

    They owe BYU a return game and this will eliminate any excuses they have for not living up to their end of the contract agreement.  

    1 hour ago, mdmost said:

    BYU is screwed. 

    We'll l have options, though losing games to Michigan St and Minnesota sucks.  ESPN doesn't want to lose content and the revenue it generates, so they'll come to bat for BYU in this instance to protect its content.  

    13 minutes ago, Bartles said:

    But every other conference has enough members to play 10 games if they want. Big 12 could stand pat but that would be leaving money on the table if others are playing 10.

    That said, and again I still like this concept, but it smacks of something that is just a placeholder until they have to postpone everything indefinitely. It is bizarre how many local rivalries are being tabled at the moment just in the name of conference play.

    Big 12 could easily incorporate BYU and Notre Dame (and another team if they play ACC games) to get to a 10 game schedule

  11. Keep in mind that these pics make it look like you are further away (and the field bigger and more spread out) then  you really are.  They don't really do the views justice.  You are so close to and on top of the field and in particular, the infield.  Moreso then any baseball stadium I've been to.  

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