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Posts posted by TeddyBearStallion

  1. 3 minutes ago, pops said:

    And at some point whitt needs to hire a fucking oc. Good Lord. 

    Wouldn't matter.  Whitt would just override him and make him stick with the run and call conservatively. 

  2. 1 hour ago, LTbear said:

    I like spreading these games out as much as possible. I want to watch them all damnit! That late in the season I'm savoring every last bit of college football I can get.

    Then why can't they rotate them, like the CFP/NY6 rotates its games?  I'd much rather watch the Texas vs OU rematch in the evening, then the B1G-Ohio State snoozefest ad the ACC-Clemson snooze fest.  

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Are girls with tits not allowed on the Utah cheer team?  That's almost as stupid as having all male cheerleaders.  Boo this bullshit.

    It's a smart rule.  Flipping would turn bigger boobs into a choking hazard.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tom said:


    Me too.  I've always enjoyed early games.  It's one thing if you want to tailgate and drink. I can see that being annoying.  But I'd rather watch the game early and then go enjoy the rest of my day.  I don't need 12 hours of anticipation and waiting around.

    But what if you lose?  That kind of puts a damper on the rest of the day.  

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  5. 11 hours ago, 'stache said:

    The scheduling could be worked around and i don't care if they have 30 year old college kids. What will always hold them back is general fundy-ism. They are simply an older, larger Liberty or Oral Roberts University who joined the D-1 party before anybody gave a fuck.  They will never join the Pac or Big 12.

    BYU is nothing like Liberty, Oral Roberts or even Baylor.  

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