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Posts posted by TeddyBearStallion

  1. I was at an Auburn tailgate last week with a bunch of coeds and frat boys when I grabed 3 white claws.  Then this bitchy woman comes at me and says: "hey, those are for the ladies!"  I didn't really respond because her dress only had one strap and if she stooped over I could see her left tit, so my eyes were there waiting like a vulture for a wardrobe malfunction.  

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  2. 11 hours ago, pops said:

    You know the brethren will never do that. They will shut it down like they did at ricks before they allow that to happen. 


    4 hours ago, Underdog said:

    Was this not the case during the LaVell Edwards era?  


    Not nearly to this degree.  In fact it wasn't till LaVell Edwards got this program winning that its sponsoring institution decided to get more involved in the program and making it more of a public face and eventually in the 2000s, its PR and image pet project.  

    4 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Go drink a Coke and relax.......

    Should have imbibed something a little harder then that (no homo) last night.  

    3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:


    That's always been the mindset of both their program and fan base.    They are classless and even trashy at times.  It's permeated down through their whole program and fanbase.  Literally worse then aggy, Ohio aggy and the dig gobblers on the other side of the red river.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, TheStoicPaisano said:

    Luckily, there’s cousin(?) Baylor Romney on the roster.

    Peak Mormon names this year include Moroni Laulu-Pututau and Ammon Hannemann.

    Would have had Britain Covey had BYU not had Robert Anae as OC.   He's the grandson of Stephen R. Covey and they were a BYU Legacy family, but Anae and Bronco had to rub people the wrong way and he ends up at Utah.  

  4. 5 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Gunner Romney - gotta be a 9/10 Mormon name there. Only hamstrung by not having a y in it.

    Romneys were polygamists (?) that were sent down by BY to Mexico to settle that area around Juarez?  Lots of Romneys in what is called "The Mormon Colonies" and in Arizona.   A fairly sizeable population of white Mexicans...

  5. 4 minutes ago, pops said:

    You know the brethren will never do that. They will shut it down like they did at ricks before they allow that to happen. 

    Can't argue with that.  They'd just as soon drop athletics.  They almost considered it in 2004.   

  6. 3 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    I've got a few really close Mormon friends, I hope BYU stays competitive. I was really excited about adding BYU and Cincy to the Big XII for selfish reasons - I have ties to both places.

    As it stands now, yeah there's just not a lot there for recruits.

    BYU needs to do what TCU, USC, etc have done and give up on its dumb standards, so that 1. they can get in a P5 conference (lets be real, they aren't in one because of the church and politics, though they are basically a P5 program in every metric) and allow the athletic program to be ran like a major athletic program that it is and to bring in more and better athletes...  

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  7. 2 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    And I think we can call this 10 in a row.

    Sitake seems like a good dude, but things have to be getting dicey for him, right?

    He's handicapped as a coach and recruiter at BYU with 1. the honor code, (hard to recruit athletes that don't want to drink, smoke pot or have premarital sex 2. the high academic requirements to get in (athletes face a higher qualification criteria gpa wise then Stanford....)  3 and the football and athlletic program is micromanaged by the administration and a spineless athletic director who hired himself and 4. a program mindset/culture that puts too much emphasis on the character of the athletes it allows into its program.  

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