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Everything posted by TeddyBearStallion
It is an area for writers from the media who keep stats, etc. I think?
I'll also add that the air flow with the air conditioning, especially in the top row feels like the checkout area at Costco; nice, cool and breezy.
There isn't a bad seat in the house. The views from all over make you feel like you are much closer and right on top of the field, especially in the outfield. These pictures don't really do justice to how much closer the views are. The infield and field itself looks closer in person then it does in the pics. Even from centerfield, you feel like you are right on top of the infield and close to the game itself. This element is a big upgrade from the old ballpark in my opinion. The view from centerfield when we started our tour and various views from the outfield and infield upper decks that show how much closer and on top you are to the field itself. These have to be some of the best views in baseball:
The nice part about the walkways is how they reversed where the concessions so that you can still see the field. They even have those narrow table tops right behind the seats for people to stand up and enjoy their food and beverage (while watching the game) without having to go back to their seat.
In center field, right on top of the batter's eye section, they use these stadium version of those comfy office chairs.
It's a different story on the inside, though still feeling bare (like a new home without home decor)and lacking personality, it has much potential. When I stepped inside, one of the first things I noticed was the roof. Any idea what this red material is?
As promised, here are the photos I took of Globe LIfe Field on my tour. Taken from the east side, you can see the juxtaposition of the two stadiums both in theme and in personality. Here are a few pictures I took of the exterior along with Texas Live Note that much of the exterior is made of Texas limestone, which in a way contradicted my earlier opinion that this was lacking in a Texas theme. Maybe symbolically, but combine the limestone and Texas Live it does give off a modern Texas metropolitan or urban feel to it. But it steel lacks the personality and charm of the old ballpark.
Now, when can we buy tickets.....
I must have missed it. We started the tour at the left field entrance and I bailed on my tour group to go take photos ...for surly.
I have about 90 to 100 pics if I can figure out how to get them from my Google drive. Having trouble importing them from my phone to my laptop.
2pm the previous day?
Still no word on the revised schedule?
I'd love to get that powder blue version for Sunday games.
just tried but he "cannot receive messages."
I took about 90-100 photos that I have on google drive. Now trying to figure out how to get them from google drive to my desktop so I can upload them to this thread.
I did the tour yesterday. Now I'm working on posting all the pics I took. Having difficulty uploading the pics from my phone to my laptop. "Connectile Dysfunction?"
Any idea when the revised schedules will be up? Wanting to get a jump on tickets.
The ballpark certainly had a strong Texas theme to it which gave it alot of character. This one, they left that element out and it really has no personality at all, though I love the different angles of the outfield part of the stadium with varying angles and how left field kind of just slants inwards towards center as if a baseball field is adjoining some another entity.
Is this the thread where it would be appropriate to drop in and say: "Fuck Oklahoma?"
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