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Lone Star Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. jimbo can't sexually assault anyone. He won't get hard unless he's watching his wife get nailed.
  2. But that's the LSU board, not texags..
  3. just make sure the cans are upside down.
  4. It's the aggyland outfitters mascot, so the tweet should be directed to the Unversity Co-op. 😏
  5. The one that was won by a single ticket in Florida, last night?
  6. The N on the cornhusker helmets stands for nowledge
  7. true, but not when on the same list with the BIG schools
  8. One of the great things about the Big 12 getting AZ and ASU, baylor no longer is the first team listed alphabetically.
  9. All these posts since this one and no one has said tree-fiddy
  10. At this point, what leverage would UW and Oregon have? Couldn't the Big 12 could just say, sign our GOR or enjoy your $20M/year. The BIG doesn't look like they're ready to invite them right now.
  11. very old school, ewe ain't nothin but a hound(collie) dog
  12. Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a mummy covered in nuts and chocolate… They think it must be Pharaoh Rocher!
  13. you'd think someone would be Too Shy to call them that
  14. We need to get back to recruiting talk. How do ya like me now?
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