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Lone Star Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. or we're rolling and don't need to take a break
  2. You two high-fived?
  3. And that is why she is the ex-wife?
  4. You’re riding a horse at full speed. You’re also being chased by a lion and there’s a giraffe in the way in front of you. How do you escape? Get off the merry-go-round.
  5. Sorry, but it isn't thought that aggy are putting into sheep.
  6. But because rosters were being created matching players look, height, weight, and jersey numbers is the reason that EA Sports discontinued the game. Maybe they could have not allowed roster customization, but that would have cost them sales. Since some were customizing themselves and friends for the game. O'Bannon v. NCAA cost EA Sports a $40 Million dollar settlement to get out of that lawsuit.
  7. That's different, they deserved that ranking because aggy was so good. At least until the games were played and they reverted to their annual 8-4 season.
  8. BIG's general counsel and the Presidents as the deal was being negotiated. Read the contract??
  9. OK, I got out of the Air Force 30 years ago. Granted, the USAF is not known for marching. I do seem to remember that when marching, everyone is on the same foot. The guys in front are on their right foot, the guys behind them are on their left foot, except the guy in the aggy t-shirt. What kind of aggy marching is that?
  10. You wrote the original post didn't you?
  11. Hell, he (JT) might be willing to do that for free, once he hears RGBIII singing.
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