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Lone Star Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. They keep posting that Cooper isn't officially in the portal, but they forget that the school has 48 hrs before they make it official.
  2. Oh shit, the ultimate aggy wet dream. I bet they are all booking the next flights to Uzbekistan to be the first to get these sheep.
  3. Yep, you don't doubt the MoP (Masters of Pot)
  4. Just wait for the amazing sequels to ragnarock, ragnascissors, and ragnapaper
  5. Like using the word less when fewer is correct.
  6. yeah yeah, In that same world, I could have put in the numbers to win last night's powerball drawing.
  7. We didn't buy any players, just all of them.
  8. aggy vs aubbie for sec west cellar
  9. so, Gilligan?
  10. So, aggy is a vocational school for insurance salesmen? makes sense
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