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Lone Star Horn

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. 1 minute ago, UTGrad98 said:

    Young guys do stupid shit. I was pretty straight and narrow but I fucked up a couple time in my early 20s too. Vegas man... Vegas


    Feel bad for the guys who got fucked up just by giving mouth to mouth. How the hell is that possible to od by giving mouth to mouth 

    I think that's true for most of us assholes on this board. However, way back when I joined the Air Force, it was stressed that drugs were a no second chance, you are out, PERIOD.

    I remember my base, Hurlburt Field, having to send several techs to Rhein-Main (late 80s, early 90s) to fill positions for many Airmen that were dishonorably discharged after it was found that they were part of parties were drugs and swinging were prevalent. All it took was making them pee in a bottle to determine their guilt. Being in the Air Force, when they tell you to pee in a bottle, it's done at that time and someone has to watch the flow from source to bottle.

  2. Cesaro's ( Claudio Castagnoli) contract with WWE has expired, he's free to sign with any promotion. No 90 day wait, since he wasn't cut. It'll be interesting to see where he ends up. 

    He could have some amazing matches with Punk, Danielson, Ishii, Okada, Omega. NJPW or AEW would make most sense if he wants big matches.

  3. On 2/15/2022 at 12:09 PM, Hook1997 said:

    Damn Cody Rhodes leaving AEW and in talks with WWE.  Evidently him and Tony Khan had a falling out and he didn’t get a percentage of the company or any type of control.  

    Some of the info says that he wanted top guy pay, which is what Punk, Jericho, and Danielson are getting. Also wanted more booking power, which Tony didn't want to give him, since he doesn't want to turn heel. Apparently Brandi isn't well liked backstage, and she's not happy that Omega is controlling the women's division, he books it better than she ever could.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:




    White face, white arm, sleeved arm, black legs. I get those are supposed to be socks, I guess, but you don't see muscle definition like that through cloth and you also can't see hairs, as you can on the left. It's shitty graphic design. 

    Also, the only team that has ankle socks that are a different color than the leg sleeve

  5. 3 hours ago, 1leggedduck said:

    But, to be clear, he fondled male students who worked in the ou administrative offices. Just to be clear. Clearly, he was the president of the university and he fondled boys at work. I think that's clear.

    I got no beef with you, but facts are facts. Regardless of why he was retired. I just wanted to make sure no one forgot that President Boren, while he was president, fondled guys who were working in the ou admin offices. Now we should get back to ou recruiting and stop talking about the president of ou fondling male students in the adminstrative offices of the university.

    Doesn't ousux have any women for him to grope?

    oh wait, nevermind

    ousux ugly.png

    • Haha 2
    • Rage+1 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  6. I had to move to the Phoenix area for work about 18 months ago. I was asked by a local if I was going to start rooting for the Cardinals. I informed that local that I was a Texas Longhorn and I would never root for the Cardinals as long as they had that shitty little Ewok, former ousux qb, on their team. I will say that I did root for them when the Ewok was hurt and out, with Colt leading the team. With this going on, I hope that the Cardinals get rid of his worthless Ewok ass and I may have to start rooting for them.

  7. On 1/31/2022 at 2:10 PM, Superhero said:

    I’m already thinking about next year’s car. We’ve been looking at pictures and the boy wants someone being shot out of a canon. “Daddy, all we have to do is carve the wood to look like a canon.” 😀

    I want to win this bitch next year. Speed all the way, no aerodynamic drag at all. 

    I just spoke to a co-worker about his daughter's entry last year. He realized that if he had one of the wheels higher (not touching the track) than the other three, it made the car faster. 25% less friction = faster car. She won all her heats, and came in second to the winner, who he swears was a kit built car that probably cost more than $40. 

    Good luck next year

  8. For anyone who knows anything of Critical Role, (the self described group of nerdy ass voice actors playing D&D). They started on Geek and Sundry and have branched off into their own Twitch and Youtube channel. They are currently in their third D&D campaign. The Legend of Vox Machina is from their first D&D campaign. They started a Kickstarter campaign to get an episode animated. It was estimated at $750k, and it was fully funded within at $1 million within the first hour. Within 24 hours, 4 episodes were funded at $4.3 million. At the six week mark, they had $11,385,449 with 88,887 backers. It was the most funded on Kickstarter for TV or film projects. They had the funding for 12 episodes. Then Amazon Prime got involved and they funded a second season. The episodes are being released 3 at a time 30 minutes each, every Friday, starting yesterday, Jan 28. 



  9. On 1/20/2022 at 3:57 PM, Harrison Bergeron said:

    Doubtful, the U.S. entry was as much as a psychological victory than anything else. The French soldiers were in active mutiny, and the war energy was severely drained in Great Britain. No U.S. there probably a mutual armistice (things were much worse in Germany, A-H, and Ottoman Empire), and the 20th Century is much less screwed up.

    If I remember the history books correctly, the arrival of the US troops to the front stuffed the German offensive. They had all the extra troops from the Eastern Front that were freed up with the Russian surrender. At that point, once the fresh US troops stopped that offensive, and more US troops poured into the Western Front, the Germans were done. It was their last hope of winning the war.

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