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Lone Star Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. I know most of Surly don't know comics, but a quick google search shows her first comic appearance was in 1980. I'm an old comic nerd, and I knew that she'd been around for a bit.
  2. He's talking about the forfeit to Wake, for skipping the bowl
  3. So Bro-ba Fett thinks a lot about Hope Solo?
  4. nah man, Brock is a killer, this is more Satya's image.
  5. Humble Bundle has Europa Universalis IV base and all DLC except for the last one, Origins, for $20. That's a helluva deal. There are maybe 4 1/2 days left on this. https://www.humblebundle.com/games/europa-universalis-iv-complete?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_europauniversalisivcomplete_bundle
  6. Depends, are you the 50-60s Elvis, or the 70s Elvis ready to keel over? hint: he might be calling you fat.
  7. Firefly was a Fox product which means it's owned by Disney now
  8. The same thing was said about The Guardians of the Galaxy. You really couldn't get more fringe than those heroes. Disney/Marvel will keep making movies and keep using "fringe" heroes, all they have to do is hit with some and make bank.
  9. tree-fiddy?
  10. I think that's true for most of us assholes on this board. However, way back when I joined the Air Force, it was stressed that drugs were a no second chance, you are out, PERIOD. I remember my base, Hurlburt Field, having to send several techs to Rhein-Main (late 80s, early 90s) to fill positions for many Airmen that were dishonorably discharged after it was found that they were part of parties were drugs and swinging were prevalent. All it took was making them pee in a bottle to determine their guilt. Being in the Air Force, when they tell you to pee in a bottle, it's done at that time and someone has to watch the flow from source to bottle.
  11. That's bad for those young men. Unless the US Military has gotten lax about drug use, then those guys are likely to be kicked out of West Point. No "ifs ands or buts".
  12. It wasn't for me, maybe my adblocker works better than I thought. Also @Beau Vine had this on another thread when someone mentioned paywall shit. https://12ft.io/
  13. Cesaro's ( Claudio Castagnoli) contract with WWE has expired, he's free to sign with any promotion. No 90 day wait, since he wasn't cut. It'll be interesting to see where he ends up. He could have some amazing matches with Punk, Danielson, Ishii, Okada, Omega. NJPW or AEW would make most sense if he wants big matches.
  14. Some of the info says that he wanted top guy pay, which is what Punk, Jericho, and Danielson are getting. Also wanted more booking power, which Tony didn't want to give him, since he doesn't want to turn heel. Apparently Brandi isn't well liked backstage, and she's not happy that Omega is controlling the women's division, he books it better than she ever could.
  15. Also, the only team that has ankle socks that are a different color than the leg sleeve
  16. Some players do that one arm sleeve, just like the ones that only have the one eye black sticker.
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