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Lone Star Horn

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. 10 hours ago, Baboontyme said:

    Fucking Wally world just cancelled my order a month after placing it. Unreal. Guess I'm back in the market for a ps5.

    They did that to me last year,(within two days of a confirmed order) then turned around a week later and allowed me to order one.

  2. 2 hours ago, Katfid54 said:

    This doesn't make any sense on a number of levels.

    First, there were never 72 volumes of the Dragon Ball/DBZ manga.  Nor have there been 72 volumes of Dragon Ball Super.  (Also, they're called "volumes," not "editions.")

    Second, why is his head black but the rest of his body is chalk-ass white?  That doesn't make any sense, and he's obviously not wearing a full body suit (you can see his tights under his Frieza-force armor below his waist).

    Third, who is he supposed to be and what planet is he supposed to be on?  The coloring appears to reflect earth, but there were only two instances where Saiyans landed on earth in pods while wearing this old version of the Frieza force armor.  First, Nappa and Vegeta (who arrived in East City; not in the middle of nowhere, where this pod is parked).  So it can't be them.  Second, the Radditz recon mission, but there is a second pod coming through the atmosphere in the background, so it can't be that mission.

    He's also obviously not supposed to be Vegeta, because that dude's tiny.  That means he's almost certainly on Namek (although the color is fucked up) and is actually a member of the Ginyu Force and not a Saiyan at all.  And that makes him a loser.

    With all that being said, this is a totally badass edit, and I will pay someone $$$ to make an NFT of one for me.

    nerds GIF

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. On 10/3/2021 at 11:42 AM, conVINCEd said:

    Ice maker on the fridge has been kaput for a while.  Not gonna pay to get it fixed because past experience tells me that it will just break again (side note, don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator).  So I pick up a couple of bags of ice a few times a week.  I am not that familiar with the players in the ice game, but Reddy Ice seems to dominate the DFW market.  I picked up a couple this week, and they felt a little light.  Took a look at the bag, and they have changed the bag size from 10 pounds to 7 pounds.  Same price.



    will pay for itself quickly.

    you can empty the bin into the ice maker bin, and put more ice in zip lock bags, when you empty the bags, start it up again and refill them.

  4. 17 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    ROTFLMFAO, Mrs Shooter, who has not followed college football since Colt graduated walked through the living room while I was watching the game and they were showing some of the palsy fingered fans during a break and she asked the special needs people get special prices for tickets. LOL LOL 

    I spit Crown Royal and Coke about 30 ft across the room.



    so tickets at aggy kroger field are discounted for all aggy?

  5. 18 hours ago, Duane Moore said:

    He doesn’t have his QB and some good WR’s to really run his offense the way he wants to, but you can see that it is going to be a problem for defenses that aren’t used to it. Arkansas is the only other SEC team running a Briles-based offense in the SEC (maybe Lebby at Ole Miss too) and I think it can work there. I’m not saying they’ll knock off UGA or UF anytime soon, but they could firmly establish themselves in the East behind those two programs. 

    Umm, when Texas and ousux go into the secsecsec, that probably pushes Bama and Auburn to the East. That's 2 more programs for Tenn to be behind

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