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Lone Star Horn

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. 13 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:

    When you finish at the bottom of the rankings you are relegated back to a lower level. It was probably someone who hasn't played in a while but came back and win a single match in tour 9.

    Come join our small party in BabaTwooey.

    @HoustonHorn small as in 5/50? Making sure i have the right one. Babatwooey! With the !

  2. Ok, I started this on Thursday, Beginner League.. I earned 67.1k coins by the end. I was fighting it out for #1 in coins with a guest####. I woke up this morning, 7 hrs left in League, I was 7k behind.

    In less than 2 hours, with about 5 hours left in League, there was a new leader for coins at 2M. How does that happen?? Two of us close for over a day, anywhere from 5-10k difference in coins, but in a 2 hour span, someone shows up with 2M? In the Beginner League.

    No matter, I'm plugging away, trying to build up my coins, stuck between 7-10k. Winning and losing, staying in Tour 3 with that 800 buy-in. I guess I need to review this thread, and learn how to play better. I'm starting to familiarize myself with the "ring method".

    I just advanced to the Rookie 1 League, we'll see how this goes.

    User name, Longhorn

  3. On 10/1/2020 at 3:42 PM, SHOOTER12 said:

    Well hell I'm looking for information from docs, victims or patients familiar with a real shitty situation. For about the last four months I've been dealing with diarrhea.  At first it was one or two times a week, but kept getting worse.  At first I thought it might be junk food ect. because it seemed to stop when I'd go home on the weekend, and by late Monday it would be back again.  For the last two or three weeks it's been nearly every day.  I talked to my doctor on the phone who referred me to a GI specialist who I'll see the 19th.   Could this possibly be a developing gluten allergy that's advancing to celiac disease?  I know I can't keep going on like this.  I'm losing weight, afraid to eat...I know darned well I'm dehydrated.  Add exhausted to the list also, there's times it's so bad I'm afraid to go to sleep.


    Wife had similar issues, went to GI specialist, was told it was IBS, and to do the Low-FODMAP diet. It's helped when she follows it.



  4. On 9/29/2020 at 6:14 AM, Vic Mackey said:


    ok, comic nerd showing up. Bruce Wayne would get beat like a red-headed step child. He's just a very smart, highly trained martial arts expert. Peter Parker has spider sense to avoid any attacks, enhanced agility and strength.

    • Like 2
  5. I haven't seen it posted here, roadrunner. Somewhere between Menard and Iraan. We were headed west, I had the cruise set to 80, and I saw him running on the east side. No problem, wife freaks, "oh look, be careful, that roadrunner might run out into the road." I didn't even take the car off cruise. Sure enough the idoit decides to run across the road as I got closer and he almost made it across. Clipped him with the right bumper, feathers and KFC parts everywhere. Maybe I should have slowed, but I didn't react quick enough when it ran across.

    wile e coyote.PNG

  6. On 9/26/2020 at 11:02 AM, Incredulity said:

    Congrats on becoming a father.

    Hopefully it all goes well for you daughter and wife.  Legit thoughts and prayers  for you and them.  

    Wife and kids health during childbirth scared the fuck out of me.  It’s a unbelievable thing when you think about it.  My wife had a bleeding issue right after our second was born.  They handed me our second and informed me of the issue saying it was, “serious” then left the room.  That was heavy duty shit for a few hours.


    damn, talk about bringing back memories.

    Daughter was born in April 2006. It was a difficult delivery, she was face up instead of face down, couldn't get past the pelvic bone. After 8+ hours of pushing, Doc decided she needed to have a C-section. That was done, LORD do NOT ever look past the curtain. 10 pm.

    After they both are brought into the room, my wife is paler than normal (ginger) Doc checks and sees that there is still bleeding, and doesn't seem to be stopping. They wheel her back into the operating room, leaving me with our hours old daughter. For a couple hours, I'm sitting there alone with a newborn, wondering what to do if the worst happens. Eventually they wheel her back into the room, saying that by the time they opened her up again and looked, the bleeding had stopped. oh and of course, she had some issues with the anesthesia, which caused them to leave her in recovery a little longer.


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Yea at the very least I of Phoenix has a decent stadium.  They probably have female cheerleaders too.



    The University of Phoenix acquired the naming rights in September 2006, shortly after the stadium had opened under the name Cardinals Stadium and retained the rights until September 2018, when the Cardinals and insurance company State Farm reached an agreement on an 18-year commitment to call it State Farm Stadium.


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