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Lone Star Horn

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. 2 hours ago, RollLeft said:

    What about Honky?  Not sure how that one offends or came about.

    two definitions from the Urban Dictionary


    a derogatory term for a Caucasian person.
    there are three main theories for the origin of the word:
    1. the word originated from the practice of white males wishing to hire African-American prostitutes in the 1920's, and going to the appropriate part of town while honking their car horns to attract the whores. Some versions state that the reason for this was that the white men were too afraid to actually stop in those neighborhoods, so the honking would bring the hookers to them. Others say that since few African-Americans could afford cars back in that time, the honking signaled a higher-paying white client and would quickly gain the prostitutes attention.

    2. the term comes from the word "honky-tonk", which was used as early as 1875 in reference to wild saloons in the Old West. Patrons of such disreputable establishments were referred to as "honkies", not intended as a racial slur but still a disparaging term.


  2. How good can it be, it's next to CMC, the steel rebar plant.


    Ok, just saw the pics, it does look nice. I'll ask my parents if they have heard anything about it. They live in town.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Whether I'm a good or bad pet owner, I wouldn't be happy when an upset stranger starts to feed my dog. How would I know that you're not a nut poisoning my dog. Feeding treats to other people's dogs, to teach that person a lesson, is escalating the issue. It doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, if you escalate a situation you are moving into the wrong category quickly.

    And I'm not justifying the woman and her phone call in the slightest. In my book, both of them are wrong. they just both did different levels of poor behavior. The Audubon Society should also have a talk with him and his actions.

    You don't understand his reasoning. He knows that pet owners would feel like you. That's why he does this, if your pet goes toward a stranger holding a treat, it's on you to keep your pet "on a leash" close to you.

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  4. Just a reminder for anyone interested, new TLPs drop tomorrow, I think that they'll be online after noon Pacific time. 

    I have a laptop and a desktop, so I'm going to try to 2 box. I will be on Aradune, with a Shaman/SK combo. 

    If anyone from here jumps on, look for Smellious (Shammy) or Hanzum (SK), if I can grab the names.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Yeah, until I hit geometry and the fucking wheels fell off the wagon.  I took one math class (like the natural sciences type, not the type we did at B-school finance shit) at UT and it kicked my ass.  Not sure what it was, but it had to be whatever the easiest one was to fulfill my maths requirement.  

    Only thing I remember from it besides my shitty grade was the birthday trick.  Some kind of choice where you win extra credit points according to how big of a chance you'll take on the minimum number of people you'd need in a room to find two people with the same birthday. So you start out at 366 because you're guaranteed two of the same (for this you assume 2/29 celebrates on 2/28).  I think the final student tapped out at like 50 or so people needed.  It's something crazy like just at 30 or 40 people, the odds you'll have two with the same birthday is 97% or something.  It really felt counterintuitive but we all did the extrapolation and it was true.  It basically explains away coincidences with math, which is incredibly important right now to virologists, tracing, hot spots, etc.  Anyway, I'm glad there are smart people at UT and beyond doing math on Covid-19 because that's almost as important as the biology/chemistry aspect of it (and we'll get into how shitty my grades were in those two fields later on).  

    I hope Piccirillo stays here for years to come and comes up with her own way to torture grad students.  

    I guess you missed this part.


    Piccirillo’s proof appeared in Annals of Mathematics in February. The paper, combined with her other work, has secured her a tenure-track job offer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that will begin on July 1, only 14 months after she finished her doctorate.


  6. Quote

    Another legend surrounding Chevigny is that, after the 1934 football victory, he had been presented a fountain pen with the inscription, "To Jack Chevigny, a Notre Dame boy who beat Notre Dame", and that on September 2, 1945, this pen was discovered in the hands of one of the Japanese officer envoys at the surrender of Japan on the battleship USS Missouri. The pen was sent back home, and the inscription was changed to read, "To Jack Chevigny, a Notre Dame boy who gave his life for his country in the spirit of old Notre Dame".[7] The legend, which surfaced in 1945 in conjunction with the anniversary of the November 10, 1928 football game,[8] has been a part of Notre Dame lore ever since. However, no one in the Chevigny family has seen or confirmed the existence of the pen, or that the inscription was changed.[9]

    So, aggy stole the tradition of making up school lore from Notre Dame?

  7. wow, I didn't realize until I sat here and thought about it. 4 people that i knew.

    In the 70's my uncle was shot and killed in a bar fight. He was a big man and had a rep of not losing fights. I got the story from the uncle who was there. He (the younger uncle) was with him in the bar when it happened. The older uncle pushed the younger one under the pool table when he realized what was going to happen. I think he saw the killer coming in with a gun. It's been a long time, so that's about all that I know about it, I'm not sure if the killer was caught. I think he was, otherwise other uncles and/or my dad would have either also been killed or would have killed him.

    Diane Holik, killed in 2001. She was a friend that I knew in the 90's. Murdered in her home, NBC Dateline had a story about it, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6055364/  (since this is Surly, pic below)

    Killed by a man who claimed to be looking at houses, in the Arboretum area. Her house was for sale at the time. Per the story, he had creeped out several women in the area. I found out when I saw the story in the newspaper.

    My wife has a friend, who's daughter (who we knew) was killed by her estranged husband in 2007 (murder/suicide). The friend has been raising her two grandkids since.

    2011, Man who worked at same company that I did, was shot and killed, along with his wife and daughter by the daughter's estranged husband. Two other adults and the couple's 1 year old child, got away.   



  8. I would have called the cops myself and stated that I was being unlawfully detained and ask them for help. Let them know that I was making a lawful delivery and this racist is blocking me and I'm afraid he's trying to gather more of his kkk buddies to harm me.

    Also, let the police know that I was videoing the whole encounter.

    I would then hope the cops didn't show up and shoot me.

    I'm brown, so it could go either way as far as getting shot by the cops.

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