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Lone Star Horn

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. 5 hours ago, Your Mom said:





    4 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Lone star and cotton-eyed Joe

    Sorry guys, Lone Star sucks as a beer. I'd rather put Shiner Bock there, but even it isn't that good.

    There are many local beers in the major metro areas that are loads better than those two.

  2. On 4/14/2020 at 8:04 AM, HRSchenker said:

    In context it absolutely is condescending. I've worked with enough women to know when to hit delete on an email that begins like that.

    yeah, you are fucking high if this is your thinking

    • Like 2
  3. On 4/6/2020 at 1:18 PM, CurlyDumps said:


    Agree. I've tried a bunch and could never get into another MMO, unless you count Destiny. I got sucked back into playing my druid on Mangler.


    I was on Mangler for a bit, lvl 59 wizard, but got burned out. I'm waiting for the new TLP to drop and will start over on classic


    On 4/9/2020 at 9:16 PM, ulukinatme said:

    Meh.  I tried Project99 again a few years back.  I had way more time on my hands in my early 20s, but today I don't have 30 minutes to sit around waiting for a boat to come pick me up.  I had a lot of fun with it, don't get me wrong.  I remember enlisting help for a random Wizard back in the day so I could get my early Epic on my Paladin.  You had to kill the leader of Freeport, Sir Lucan D'Lere, which made you KOS to the entire town afterwards.  We kited him outside the city gates, where I continued to run him around while the Wizard nuked him from the sky.  I then spent months afterwards grinding Goblins in Highkeep to get enough faction so I could set foot in Freeport again.  I then got a screenshot standing next to Sir Lucan while holding Soulfire once I was no longer KOS.  Lost the screenshot when my hard drive crashed a few years ago.  That was my favorite moment.  I then quit playing the Paladin for awhile and started grinding a Wizard cause I wanted to drop big ass comets on bitches like my buddy did.

    In any case, after playing on P99 for about a week I quit playing and started playing Star Wars Galaxies again.  That was SOE's best MMO, there's still a strong following for that one today too.  Caused a lot of controversy when they revamped the game to be more like WoW about 3 years into development, but in the end it turned out to be a decent game.  I still love the space combat, reminds me of the old school TIE Fighter games from DOS.


    With the TLPs you don't have to wait for boats, they have translocators which will port you to the other docks. No corpse runs, some of the better features of the newer expansions but the adventures of classic EQ with expansions dropping roughly every 3 months. 

    Per Daybreak announcement last month, they will have 2 new TLP servers dropping in a few months. 

  4. Quote
    6.4k points·12 hours ago·edited 12 hours ago

    Bell was charged with and pleaded guilty to aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. He was sentenced to five years in prison.

    him and his wife robbed the same store two weeks prior and took more than $2000 and some cell phones.

    Edit: and to add to this story

    When this robbery happened, Bell was out of jail on probation for a different aggravated robbery case in which he had already been sentenced for 12 years. That robbery happened on July 31, 2015.

    from that reddit thread

  5. 4 hours ago, TeddyBearStallion said:

    Take the top 6 from the Pac 12: USC, UCLA, Stanford, Washington, Oregon, Colorado (along with the two Arizona schools)  and combine with the top 4 of the Big 12: UT, OU, TT and Kansas along with BYU (national following, could easily and quickly make the jump) and New Mexico (yes, they are of little value now but that could change as part of a major conference) and you would have a contiguous 14 team conference with long-term potential with the option to add 2 more in the future.   

    FUCK cult-cougar, I'd rather the Big X12 take Utah is it really needs that state. And I'd sure as hell prefer to keep Iowa State, TCU, Okie State, and K-State over cult-cougar.

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/2/2020 at 12:30 PM, Pig Bellmont said:

    *At grocery store*
    4 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER: I want two mommies. 
    ME: Well, you’ve got a mommy and a daddy, so that’s pretty awesome. 
    DAUGHTER: No no no no. I want a daddy and two mommies. 
    ME: Me too, kiddo (elbowing wife) Tell mommy what you just told me...


  7. 40 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    why do they need to put the ass-to-mouth logo on those buildings?  the fuck?

    how many TMC buildings have an orange longhorn?


    They tend to do that on almost all their buildings. They want to make sure that people know that those are atm buildings.

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