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Lone Star Horn

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lone Star Horn

  1. I know that American and Delta both fly into Gainesville. If this is only for SWA flights, then fly into Jacksonville, and save about 50 miles of driving.
  2. But aggy gets every good player, if not it's because Texas paid them 6-figs.
  3. He was also Sergeant Frank Tripp in CSI: Miami for 187 Episodes
  4. I'm late with this, but hold on...... aggy says "Oh my, Step-sheep, you're stuck in the washer." music plays "bow-chika-bow-wow"
  5. damn it @Tex Long but I'm leaving it
  6. I was just referring to her wanting to get in on the action, if sucking Donde's cock was an option.
  7. Plonsky thinking about join the NCAA Investigative group, just to investigate Tenn, and get in on that action.
  8. You would think so, but Slim Jim had come out and said that they were no longer going to sponsor the Royal Rumble. Then Vince resigns, and Slim Jim says ok, we'll sponsor WWE again. If any more WWE execs are outed then I can see other advertisers doing the same until they clean house.
  9. OK, those are all armpits, BCS is the asshole of Texas
  10. This looks like it was taken after the game, Vince all smiles and Bush & Leinart all grumpy.
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