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  1. If there was someone serious around Trump. "Mr. President, let me try again in language you mind understand a little easier. Say you owned a McDonald's and you had to speak with a cook that was not performing well. The equivalent of what you're doing here would be something like this: 'Hey cook, you burned the burgers to hockey puck consistency, the fries you served are literally frozen, and instead of 6 nuggets you served 600. I think I'll name you head chef at my Michelin star restaurant.' Do you see the problem here?" Trump: "Tits."
  2. gernblansten on Jessica Alba not sleeping with him. "I don't know anything about her. I'm not a big fan of Jessica Alba. To me she's a woman that's not attractive. But I know nothing about her. You're saying that she won't sleep with me? I don't know anything about her."
  3. F-47 because it’s a beautiful number?, Maybe instead it means Fuck Trump.
  4. Pretty sure the WH kicked out the AP for not calling it the Gulf of America. Trump: Can I order our fighter pilots to shoot down a civilian airliner for failing to properly announce 'our flight over the Gulf of America'? Counsel: No, sir. Trump: Well, I'll just identify it as a woke airline and it'll be okay.
  5. The White House's statement in full published at 12:59 Today, President Trump and President Putin spoke about the need for peace and a ceasefire in the Ukraine war. Both leaders agreed this conflict needs to end with a lasting peace. They also stressed the need for improved bilateral relations between the United States and Russia. The blood and treasure that both Ukraine and Russia have been spending in this war would be better spent on the needs of their people. This conflict should never have started and should have been ended long ago with sincere and good faith peace efforts. The leaders agreed that the movement to peace will begin with an energy and infrastructure ceasefire, as well as technical negotiations on implementation of a maritime ceasefire in the Black Sea, full ceasefire and permanent peace. These negotiations will begin immediately in the Middle East. The leaders spoke broadly about the Middle East as a region of potential cooperation to prevent future conflicts. They further discussed the need to stop proliferation of strategic weapons and will engage with others to ensure the broadest possible application. The two leaders shared the view that Iran should never be in a position to destroy Israel. The two leaders agreed that a future with an improved bilateral relationship between the United States and Russia has huge upside. This includes enormous economic deals and geopolitical stability when peace has been achieved. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c3e4xzd8qq8t The part I bolded is hilarious. It's just Trump and Putin on the call, so throwing in that line implies the nonsensical claim that Ukraine started this thing.
  6. Awaiting the usual "This is politically motivated by leftist lunatics trying to silence MAGA. Wokeness has no place in America and I will not stop assisting President Trump in Making America Great Again! It all happened really quickly, but I believe the officers who sought me and deliberately entrapped me by pretending to be a child in need of help were trans!"
  7. "Former presidents and their spouses receive life-long Secret Service protection under federal law, but the protection afforded to their immediate families over the age of 16 ends when they leave office. But outgoing presidents can extend protection for those who might otherwise not be eligible for up to six months after they leave office, something Biden did for his children and Trump did for his family after leaving office in 2021. Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush also extended protection for their families for a period." https://www.npr.org/2025/03/18/g-s1-54407/trump-secret-service-protection-biden-adult-children
  8. Exactly. Trump gave his four adult kids 6 months protection after he was voted out after his first term. Despite all his bullshit trying to overthrow the free and fair election, shit on the Constitution and America, Biden didn't pull any protection. Trump is just the worst person.
  9. Someone his age breaks a hip and it can be a death sentence. I think we can infer from this picture that she confirmed she's in the amended Will.
  10. I think Trump's policies are generally driven by misinformation. I think driven by misinformation could be identified as his entire political life's major theme.
  11. Agreed. Except for that red velvet settee, probably.
  12. Commonsensegovnia, Logicistan, and Democracydonia.
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