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Everything posted by gernblansten

  1. I sort of shrugged my shoulders at this when I figured it'd shut down parliament, but their decision to shit it down has me concerned. Quite a mess indeed.
  2. I feel like the security guy should've offered to run a route or two for him.
  3. I’m not saying they aren’t, but what makes FSU the little brother?
  4. Whoa, to become an expert don't you have to do it enough that you'd grow hair on your palms?!?!
  5. Wife verbally provokes a man who physically assaults her and you do nothing. Well, I suppose in your defense you're..................Born to Run
  6. "Two thumbs down." - Herman Melville
  7. No, wait, but what you don't understand is my neighbor's sister's brother-in-law's cousin's boss was dating a nurse on duty when he came to the hospital. It's so true.
  8. First album named “Unbridled Enthusiasm”.
  9. Yes, yes, you see, ztejas was a simple country boy. Some might say a cockeyed optimist, who got caught up in the dirty game of world diplomacy and International intrigue.
  10. “Attack, attack, attack; admit nothing, deny everything; no matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat” - Trump mentor
  11. I've been saying the same for years. All the village idiots are able to communicate with one another now. Downfall of our society.
  12. Could’ve been even worse because if TT QB was worth a shit they would’ve scored a lot faster on their last drive and ISU would’ve had more time to go down and bang a 32 yard FG off the upright for the loss as time expired.
  13. The neighbors never had chicken fried steak before, I bet they’re meeting right now to make you King of Indiana. Or, at least Cooker of Neighborhood.
  14. "Did you say Trump watch? Well, I can put one of these on your wrist today for the beautiful price of $99,999.99. All the watch experts say it's one of the most beautiful prices they've ever seen."
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