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Posts posted by gernblansten

  1. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Cool.  Counterclaim for wrongful death.  And cross-claim against the producer of the new "documentary" for defamation.  If the producer claims the phone records prove something, and Zimmerman is relying on them in his case, they need to produce what they have in discovery.  If, on the other hand, their claims are utterly made-up bullshit (while nothing is guaranteed in life, that's the choice a betting man would make), then 1) his case is tossed, 2) the producer is going to get crushed on the defamation action, and 3) hey, about that wrongful death suit....not that old George has any money, but if he wants to get fucked again....that can be arranged.

    Any idea what the statute of limitations on wrongful death is in Florida?  Seems like that shooting was quite a few years ago.

  2. 16 hours ago, Beau Vine said:


    If we lose to a team dressed in this shit, we should give up all hope.

    [intern] You remember those old Energizer batteries they sold with the little tester to check the battery level?  That was my inspiration for the trainers' sleeves.  I thought, it'd be nice to know how much energy the trainers have left as the game progresses. [intern]   

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    God, those unis are so fucking money. 

    Yeah, man just kinda... you know, those unis got these claws and they're staring at these claws and thinking,  "How am I supposed to kill this bunny, how am I supposed to kill this bunny?They're just kinda gently batting the bunny around, you know what I mean? And the bunny's scared, the bunny's scared of them, shivering.  And they got these fucking claws and these fangs, man! And they're looking at their claws and they're looking at the fangs. And they're thinking, you don't know what to do, man. "I don't know how to kill the bunny."  They don't know how to kill the bunny, do you know what I mean?

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    Let's just close the thread now.


    Woman’s Arm Cut Off by Propeller on Plane Her Husband Was Flying





    A woman’s arm was cut off by the propeller of a private plane her husband was piloting, The Miami Herald reports. The couple was taking off from the Key West International airport on Saturday night when the incident occurred. Walter Gray, 46, was trying to taxi, but the plane, a single-propeller Cessna 172S rented out of Fort Meyers, wouldn’t move. Looking for the issue, he exited the plane while it was still running to check if the wheels were still in their chocks—wedges of sturdy material put against a vehicle’s wheels to keep it from moving.


    His wife, Rebecca Lynn Gray, 45, also exited the plane, reportedly against her husband’s wishes. She walked the front of the plane to remove the chock on the front tire. With the plane still running, she then came in contact with the propeller, severing her arm. Her foot was also caught in the propeller, according to a Monroe County Sheriff’s spokesperson. The woman was airlifted to a Miami-area hospital where she is in stable condition, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.





    Does he say "I told you not to do that" or does he just let that one go?

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  5. 8 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Hurts is a "big game" guy? The national title he "won" at Bama was when he was so bad in the first half against Georgia in the title game that Saban pulled him for Tua, who led the Tide back. He didn't play many meaningful snaps at all last year until having to come on for injured Tua at the end of the SEC title game. He did, of course, help push the Tide past UGA but didn't play a meaningful snap after that.

    Every SEC game is a big game.  It just means more.  Unless the SEC team didn't want to be there. 

  6. "He was shot in the mouth, anyone who doesn't understand that was a clear message you don't testify against cops is an idiot!  It's so obvious....wait, what's that, shot in the legs...well obviously that is the signal you DO NOT WALK into court to testify against cops!!!"

    I don't know where the guy was shot.  I don't know who shot him, or why.  But, the posts in this thread are reminiscent of the posts in the thread when the Kaufman County DA/ADA were shot dead and nitwits were posting how it was obviously the drug cartels. 

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  7. On 9/27/2019 at 2:34 PM, Foosters said:

    Um, so she's clearly mentally unstable right? Not that it excuses the behavior but this person seems to be having some sort of psychotic break.

    Have we considered the possibility she killed a terrorist years ago and the terrorist's brother is back for revenge and made her go to that location and say those things or a bomb would go off at a school?

    • Like 4
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  8. 25 minutes ago, Hornlover said:

    I'm a Cowboys fan, but hopefully Lil'Jordan sees the field against the 'Boys this weekend, contributes meaningfully to the game, secures his roster spot, and makes himself some money.

    Strong avatar to post combination.

  9. What, wasn't there some of the other kids, what'd we give 'em? What? Cars? Tractors? Gave a kid a TRACTOR? Another kid we gave a HOUSE. Didn't we give him a house? You know, BAGS OF CASH, I don't know what we gave these kids...You know, they asked for things, we gave it to 'em. I mean, you guys asked me to win, and I gave that to you! Right? And the Alumni are all jerking off over this win, which is the only time the Alumni ever jerk off, right? It's when we win. 'Cause this ain't about education! It ain't much about winning, and it sure as hell ain't much about basketball! It's about MONEY! JUST GODDAMNED MONEY! That's what it's about, Ed. And I bought into it. I bought into it big time. I'm a big part of the problem.

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  10. 18 hours ago, 'stache said:

    I saw that too and, although the U Iowa kids hospital is a cool story, the dude is an ISU fan, was there really no super noble cause ISU or even Ames related he could have donated to? Seems weird to donate it to the rival school. If it were me in that situation, you can be damn sure I'm not donating to the OU Medical Centers cancer treatment programs when OSU has a med school in Tulsa and Tulsa has another national cancer center and a childrens hospital that would appreciate the donation.

    Yeah, exactly, because you know those sick kids and their parents chose their medical providers based on college football rivalries.

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  11. 1 hour ago, horn4life said:

    The Album "The Cars" was released in the Summer of 1978.  I graduated high school in '79 and the Album was honestly one of the single best first albums ever.  The amount of airplay they got helped make them a big part of my high school sound background.  Just songs that were mirrors of teen life then, "Just what I needed", and in particular "Best Friend's Girl" were just songs that were playing out as we cruised the streets every night. "Let the Good Times Roll" was a teen antherm for partying, and "You're all I've got tonight" encaptures that teen angst for emotional closeness.

    I think I heard Patrick Bateman saying the exact same thing to Paul Allen recently.

  12. 10 minutes ago, shakahorn said:

    The Saudi Energy Minister says they will be back fully online by end of September.  Is that really possible or is he just blowing smoke?

    Byly Mumfiri is a simple desert boy. Some might say a cockeyed optimist, who got caught up in the dirty game of world diplomacy and International intrigue.

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  13. 2 hours ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    “We contend the city is wrong,” Quinlan said of the city’s assertion that Smollett should have known the city would spend nearly 2,000 hours investigating. “ ... The mere fact somebody filed a police report doesn’t presume the investigation will be done and certainly not to the extent of what the city is claiming.


  14. 26 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I feel like I don't mention this often enough, but I would also like to climb through my computer screen and punch each and every one of you in the face repeatedly until one of us either passes out or dies. Let that sink in.


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