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Everything posted by gernblansten

  1. This post omits the required 7 "fucks" and needs 3 more "cocksuckers" to fucking accurately fucking describe fucking Deadwood. Cocksucker. The word "fuck" and its derivatives are used 2,980 times throughout the series. - IMBD I believe that'd be 83 times per episode.
  2. I believe it started when the gentleman calmly expressed his dismay toward the woman when he learned she failed to get his GAC. She spat in his face and Disney Stress Disorder kicked in. “My husband has a severe anxiety disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder .Standing in long lines for long periods of time will most likely cause panic attacks and would result in an unpleasant experience for our family. Will he qualify for the GAC card” Hi Amy! Disney is very sensitive to guests with all types of disabilities, both those that are visible to the eye as well as those that are not. One of the ways in which they have made park experiences more pleasurable for special needs guests is by using the Guest Assistance Card. The GAC is geared to enable guests to experience the park within their comfort zone. It will alert Cast Members assisting at attractions to allow your family to wait in a cooler, less crowded area,and will help them gauge what seat during certain experiences will enable your spouse to enjoy the attractions. When arriving at your park of choice, head to Guest Relations. They will ask you questions with respect to your stay, in order to make sure that they are able to provide you with GAC that is most appropriate for your party. It always helps to bring a note from the doctor explaining your husbands situation. Also, remember, your GAC is valid for the entire duration of your stay, so there is no need to return to Guest Services per park. This will allow your husband to enjoy the parks attractions and experiences while accommodating his needs to the best of their ability. Hope this helps you plan your magical vacation! -Malanie https://disneyparksmomspanel.disney.go.com/question/husband-severe-anxiety-disorder-post-traumatic-stress-183440/
  3. Sad Disheartened
  4. Just continuing to mirror LeBron's act.
  5. No fine. No jail. Just "I Scream Liquor" tattooed somewhere on her body.
  6. Quanell just needed to de-escalate the situations.
  7. I, for one, welcome our 40,000 year old recently awakened ancient life form overlords.
  8. In the family jewels?
  9. This shall be the greatest love story since Jerry Lee Lewis and Myra Gale Brown.
  10. Finally, I can be recognized as the hero substitute teacher. - Brian Williams
  11. Then you also know the initial diagnoses is wrong.
  12. Those poor kids have no chance.
  13. First Lee Iacocca, now this.
  14. The Couple Next Door is a quick little read. Not sure if I liked it, but had a hard time putting it down.
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