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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. Spartacus. https://people.com/movies/kirk-douglas-dead/?fbclid=IwAR3GiU6nrPz6iaFsBawnO5lk39BBrisKb_QVcfiPCFGCNIj8YH5y64rE9t4
  2. you think we can score 49 whole points? that's almost 25 per half.
  3. https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/28578397/who-biggest-overachievers-underachievers-top-leagues Hmmm. I wonder who they think is underachieving in the Big XII.
  4. Where, when and what time should we be over?
  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=theme+song+from+the+sons+of+katie+elder&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS884US885&oq=theme+song+from+the+sons+of+&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l6.4871j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Best theme song EVAH. Ok maybe not ever but it's pretty fucking good. Dean Martin is great in this movie.
  6. Well I paid $89 for it. Haven't cracked it yet. Prob this weekend.
  7. I turned it off when we were down 14+ or whatever it was. I stumbled back across it when it was 60-60. I foolishly watched from there. Don't judge me.
  8. Hmmm. Too late. I have a little Russell's left and then am going to start on this one.
  9. Angel’s Envy Finished Rye? Anyone? Anyone?
  10. $17 for a 2 oz shot of Blanton's at Morton's Steakhouse. I said yes.
  11. smwhorn

    Super Bolw 54

    -1. 53.5. Give points. Bet the over. Parlay the two (Vegas then has it at 28-26). Win money. Give me some of it.
  12. I just wanted everyone on Surly to know that I have not had any bourbon (or any other adult beverage) since Saturday night. Don't really have a reason. I'm going to fix that tonight. Probably going to crack open the Eagle Rare as I'm being forced to have dinner with my mother-in-law (no pics you sick bastards). Wish me luck. Edit: MIL is not getting any of my ER even if it is her birthday.
  13. Anyone been over to the Shag lately?
  14. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/california-homeless-crisis-austin-rep-chip-roy didn't see this posted yet. . . .
  15. Well we beat a team we should have beaten. At least at home. Good for us.
  16. Wai Bro. Look it up. Its on the internets.
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