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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/18/health/asian-tiger-mosquitoes-guangzhou-intl-hnk/?utm_medium=internal&utm_term=business-hp-test&utm_content=learn Do mosquitoes have any useful purpose? What calamities would occur if we kilt every mosquito on the planet (and on the moon and on Mars and other places)?
  2. Lindor's one handed HR. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/07/francisco-lindor-indians-home-run-swing-video-juiced-baseballs-mlb-balls-reaction?fbclid=IwAR1CfoIjf-5tgUo4EbuaoJxKhH7iFTkG3hxRRoDXgu724QIgkiUaiJr7dCM Don't really know a whole lot about Lindor and don't know if he's done this before, but thought I'd add the article to the discussion.
  3. For this exact reason, they should be standing out of bounds. Regardless, Ricky, don't hit it over there dammit.
  4. I can't really decide if I like the show. Some holes in some of the plot lines but some good ones too. The acting is great. Even the kids do a great job.
  5. It's a dry 115 bruh. Suck it up.
  6. I'm all for cheating at cards for a poke ala Augustus McCrae, but I don't know about cheating at chess.
  7. Broke him back down two champ points. Just unbelievable tennis.
  8. Yeah, but how do you cheat? Does your phone tell you potential next moves?
  9. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2845458-chess-grandmaster-igors-rausis-caught-cheating-with-cellphone-found-in-toilet?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial I know the rules on how to play, but in a professional tournament, I suppose you're allowed to get up during the game to use the restroom? And how would you cheat? Call someone? Google your next move? Yeah, I know. Who cares about chess. But I just see how one would cheat other than calling someone.
  10. dummest idea in the history of ideas.
  11. Why are umpires needed? Is there any call in baseball that is not a judgment call? fair/foul; out/safe; ball/strike; HR/not HR. Even shit like catcher or fan interference can be reviewed. I'm not necessarily advocating that but if you want the calls right, the computer/video can get it done.
  12. https://www.chron.com/news/article/Rattlesnake-uranium-whiskey-found-during-14088366.php Does Stephen Jennings post on Surly ?
  13. has died. RIP Denise Nickerson. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/11/entertainment/denise-nickerson/index.html
  14. JD got bit by a spider so he can't play. Otherwise, I had all my munny on him. https://www.golfchannel.com/news/john-daly-withdraws-open-after-suffering-spider-bite
  15. I suppose I could have provided a bit more clarity, but I was responding to and actually quoted a post about a tied low scoring game with a manager using strategy and moving base runners to win the game.
  16. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on "where the game is today." If they want to juice the balls for the HR Derby so it becomes a freak show, so be it.
  17. I'd much rather see a 3-2 game than a 13-12 game.
  18. Heard on the sports ray-dee-o station this morning that if the pace continues, there will be 500+ more home runs this year than in any other year. I'm sure there are several reasons for that but one of the has to be the ball.
  19. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2019/07/justin-verlander-mlb-juiced-baseballs-balls-home-runs-surge-quote-reaction-story-all-star-game?fbclid=IwAR1MMnZSCbMSseb-x8so0ObU7Vhk2s0XMK0IehCsjTj3ZgHj_hSRKQRKO00 JV thinks there should be one. If there's one on Surly, I couldn't find it. This is one conspiracy theory that the facts seem to support. The league wide numbers this year are astonishing.
  20. I saw it yesterday with the wife and the two offspring (age 26 and 24). All of us liked it. A lot. As someone earlier said, it probably won't win any awards but a very enjoyable movie. I thought Sheeran was fine actually.
  21. Damn. Nice goal Brits. This one will be one to watch. Both teams playing well.
  22. Allowing the pass to go through to O'Hara for the cross was clutch. Well played team soccer.
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