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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. Jam, Ham and Lam. Positive thoughts to the Lam family.
  2. Fuck him. I couldn't listen to him. He was such a dick on the radio.
  3. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with this take.
  4. that's just .... well .... damn.
  5. Didn't know that but it makes sense. My kids went to a fancy shmancy private high school in Houston. As a result, we met and know jillions of other kids from private high schools in Dallas and Austin. Since one of these testing facilities was in Houston, I'm thinking we're going to know some folks on "the list."
  6. This is probably just the first round of charges. There have to be more people that participated in this scheme.
  7. Spring Brek Snek. https://www.khou.com/article/life/animals/watch-your-step-rattlesnakes-spotted-along-beach-access-path/285-bfe2c29b-4d33-441a-8adf-46ec9d555b4e?fbclid=IwAR3eQEKJq9cBNxRLj_ixpX4wxsajPWMAwYDv6XTPIC0nlO71IP32bfOgTSk
  8. Francisco Molinari is a beautiful Italian man. Helluva final round.
  9. Maybe the funniest book I have ever read. I played on the golf team in high school and I worked at the country club cleaning clubs, picking up range balls, and putting up and bringing out the golf carts. I was around golf a LOT. I remember laying on one of those fold out lounge chairs reading that book and I literally fell off of the chair because I was laughing so hard. I also remember he wrote an article for Sports illustrated after Fuzzy won the US Open. "Fuzzy Zoeller plays golf the way it was meant to be played. Hit it. Find it. Hit it again." (Or something like that) RIP Dan. You were the top of the class in your profession.
  10. I'm 55 years old. My parents both graduated from Texas. I'm a grad. My son's a grad. I seriously do not think I have ever wanted a Texas team to lose. I've wagered cash munny before that we would not cover a spread, but I've never bet on us to lose. But this team is a total waste of talent. If we can't win with the last few recruiting seasons we've had with our current coach, we can't win with him as our coach, and he needs to go. If the only way for that to happen is for us to lose at home to Frog, then so be it.
  11. I don't think I've ever wanted the Horns to lose at anything. Maybe, just maybe, at home against the cock-a-roaches.
  12. Commish reminding all the players they had the opportunity to make suggestions to change the rules and were provided drafts of the proposed changes with the opportunity to provide input. https://www.golfchannel.com/news/jay-monahan-sends-memo-pga-tour-pros-regarding-rules-golf-pushback
  13. No gracias. Our male offspring works on one of the mountains so we are getting all necessary ski gear gratis. So we got that goin' for us.
  14. For the four Aspen mountains?
  15. Headed to Aspen tomorrow. 38" over the past four days. Bought three 4 days lift tickets 7 days in advance so I got a "good deal." $1700.
  16. TT -8. O/U 132. That makes it 70-62. I like the over but have no strong feeling either way on the number. This team is so unpredictable.
  17. It's snowed 38" in the past four days in Aspen and I'm going there tomorrow with Mrs. Smwhorn (no pics, i'll cut you man), the female offspring (no pics, I'll fucking cut you man) and the male offspring. The four of us have not been together since we all met in DC/Maryland for the football game last August.
  18. If D.O. has now what I had last week, he ain't playing basketball tonight.
  19. BU -3. 135 total. My math says then "they" have it at 69-66. I'm not optimistic this team will score 66. I'm not optimistic we keep them at 69. I guess I'm just not optimistic about this team.
  20. I was in McAllen a few weeks ago to pick a jury in a civil case. They brought a panel of 35 into the courtroom. One panelist was missing as they had sent out summons for 36 people. The judge, on the record, ordered a US Marshall to locate the missing panelist if possible to bring him/her to the courtroom and show cause why they should not be held in contempt of court. Federal Court does not fuck around. Do not just "not show up."
  21. It's actually Kortchmar. That's a ridiculous "back up" band. I can't imagine the google search results for that crew and who they have played/written/toured with since 1980.
  22. Um... So scoring 15 total points in the second and third quarter combined isn't good?
  23. Haven't read all the way through the thread. I went to the NFL.com website and there is no mention of Kraft's arrest or the charges against him. Sorry if this has been discussed already. The first link on their site is "News." Apparently, Kraft's arrest and charges aren't "News."
  24. Headed to Aspen next week. We've been before for skiing but it has been at least 10 years. Please help with ideas for (1) getting lift tickets for less than the bend over price on the aspen snowmass website and (2) restaurant recs for less than bend over prices on food and wine. Yes, I know it's Aspen and have full advance knowledge that I'll spend billions on this trip with the fam. I'm just trying to see if there's a way to help avoid some of the bending overness.
  25. But wait. Don't you get extra points at the end of the game if you have time outs left? Maybe that's what coach Shaka was thinking so he didn't tell the team to call one.
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