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Everything posted by smwhorn

  1. The fourth quarters against OU, WV and TT were a joke. I suppose I could believe the argument that our depth and injuries caused these collapses. Or maybe not. I don't see how it is not coaching.
  2. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2804453-david-diehl-raiders-gave-jamarcus-russell-blank-tapes-to-see-if-qb-watched-film?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial In fact, he was really REALLY not good at it. Not that it would have helped him anyway.
  3. I heard on the sports Ray-De-Oh station this morning that some SF Cheerleader knelt during the National Anthem. Cannot confirm as I was not watching.
  4. anyone care ?? O/U on attendance predictions?
  5. I was actually hoping WVU would be undefeated and ranked higher when they come here.
  6. would be the dumbest sports move in the history of Houston sports (and that is a LONG fucking list).
  7. I'm trying to think of a really good argument to say this is a shitty and unfair post . . . . . I'll get back to you if I think of one.
  8. $19.99 to watch. https://www.golfchannel.com/news/tiger-woods-vs-phil-mickelson-pay-view-price-set-1999
  9. apparently this guy's golf game doesn't care that people don't like him. https://www.golfchannel.com/news/patrick-reed-returns-ryder-cup-lead-wgc-hsbc
  10. https://www.golfchannel.com/news/phil-mickelson-tiger-woods-plan-donate-portion-9-million-match-proceeds-charity so there is this. i guess.
  11. 32-28 Texas (spread is averaging -3 with O/U averaging 60).
  12. Sending positive thoughts and vibes. Hang in there Shooter and Shooter's daughter.
  13. Cruz has had some pretty effective ads in Houston (and I'm not a Cruz guy). The voting against Hurricane Harvey relief is pretty damning. Again, not a Cruz supporter here but I think Ted wins this one 55-45. Maybe 54-46.
  14. this post is rude, impolite, disrespectful and mean. i like it.
  15. Snek crashes meeting at bank in China. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2018/10/14/python-china-bank-meeting-ceiling-ct-vpx.cnn
  16. So more than 30 years ago, I was at a Texas Exes party in Dallas. I'm with some friends I graduated with and we start talking to a group of 3 or 4 girls. One of the girls said she was not a UT grad but was a graduate of Washington State. We start talking about the school and majors and how'd you get to Dallas blah blah blah. I said something like "you know I really couldn't even tell you where Washington State is." She sort of looked at me like I was an idiot and said "you really don't know where Washington State is?" "Um, no not really" says I. She says "well it's the state north of Oregon and west of Idaho." I looked at one of her other friends listening to this conversation and just shook my head. I ended up asking her to go home with me that night but she respectfully declined. Sorry, no pics.
  17. Born to Run Running on Empty Who's Next
  18. Actually I was at Houston's in, well, Houston.
  19. according to the guy in the booth next to me. He's fixing to break some records. He's from Texas. He's earned his own thread (looked but couldn't find one). Light 'em up Drew. Go Chaps.
  20. Hope so and with several extra inning games.
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