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Certifiably Surly
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About Texaspython

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  1. You’re either trolling or really dumb. Your Tech degree would indicate the latter.
  2. I think it’s just incredulity. We made you all that money for all those years. We’re I you, I’d say “thank you”. But we’re a decent fan base encumbered by whiny leaches. I didn’t want to leave but seeing the freeloaders act true to their ignorant status has made it easier.
  3. He negged every post I’ve ever made for two days straight. It was weird. I don’t know his personal circumstances but he was a troll. Nothing more.
  4. Sent you a private message. Reply tough guy.
  5. That's not Neon said and what I quoted him on. Huh
  6. There were liberal republicans. There were conservative Dems. You think that’s a lie?
  7. So, where is the lie?
  8. Oh yeah, come at me bud.
  9. It takes less than a minute to call out a moron. It takes hours to neg every one of that posters posts. In the end, I ended up with more rep. So yeah, he’s a loser.
  10. Ones which we were both participating. Just couldn’t believe someone would take the time to do that. He does this fairly frequently apparently. True loser.
  11. Reasonable take although I disagree. As a hunter who votes for Dems, I have encountered such people. That said, overall, I prefer them to gun nuts.
  12. Yes, going around a negging every post a user has ever made is a rules violation. Sorry your feelings get hurt very easily but devoting hours of your day to neg posts from years ago that you don’t have an honest opinion about is against the rules. You’re a worthless poster. Neg away moron.
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