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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Texaspython

  1. More likely, misinformed.
  2. Well, if he wins, it’ll be votes like yours. And I wouldn’t call voting for Trump “keeping your integrity”. Voting out of fear and insecurity are really Trump’s wheelhouse.
  3. I think we lefties do plenty of listening, far more than the Trump people I know. I just think most of the dialogues leaves Trump people feeling stupid. How do you get around the truth? Are us lefties to placate the untruths and half truths? Smile and look past the lies?
  4. Yes, to be clear, this isn’t a criticism but rather an acknowledgment that a huge piece of a winning strategy just isn’t there and it scares me.
  5. Really, my election anxiety is from the complete lack of a ground game this year by Dems. I understand the calls/texting subbing for a ground game but we’re in unknown territory here. No modern prez has won without a great ground game. That’s really the only thing I can foresee derailing Biden. It’s so incredibly unlikely but I can’t shake the lingering thought there just isn’t enough follow through from Dems there.
  6. I’ve done some election law and can tell you, in a state with many poorly written statutes, the election code may be the worst. Lots of vagueness which leads to counties having to guess what the Leg meant. It’s not fair they get held to some strict scrutiny. They’re usually doing the best they can with what they’ve got.
  7. If the 5th circuit touches I’ll be very surprised. The appeals court is to lean heavily on the trial court’s examination of the evidence in reaching a conclusion.
  8. I wouldn’t call it lazy, it’s just the easiest and cleanest way to dump a bullshit lawsuit. Essentially it’s saying “you shouldn’t even be here”. Very hard to appeal.
  9. I was about to say, it’s really pretty eye opening had blatantly wrong he is about this. And he claims he’s an attorney?
  10. Given the hypocrisy of it all, I would think it’s a reason to vote against him. Of course, that assumes your vote has any ethics attached to it.
  11. I know how hard it is to break a lifetime loyalty to a political party. Good on you man.
  12. Don’t start throwing out your fantasies as some legitimate possibility.
  13. This is a pretty big deal.
  14. I doubt it, just a sad guy who has twisted himself in a knot about history and facts.
  15. Trump has said being a democrat should “be illegal”. If you don’t see the parallels then you don’t know much about history.
  16. Trump campaign made a concerted effort to dig into the minority community. It’ll prove to be a bad move.
  17. I agree with most of what you’re saying but I’d add, the dynamics of Texas politics are rapidly changing. I enjoy most repubs whistling past the graveyard on this. Trump is a uniquely bad candidate in Texas. He’s been the greatest gift to Dems since Nixon. Trump has accelerated what was happening naturally.
  18. Yeah, it’s obvious what happened. But hey, it’s safe to assume the insane people with guns were the reasonable ones in this scenario.
  19. How incredibly pathetic do you have to be to tail a Biden bus.
  20. I’m hearing 50/50 so far in Tarrant, dem/repub votes. It’s gonna be close.
  21. I have a different take on that. I think it objectifies black men even more.
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