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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Texaspython

  1. Yeah, but her opponent is worse.
  2. Yes but Bob wasn’t really coordinating with Dems by his last election in 94. That relationship soured in 88 when he endorsed Bush for prez. The modern dem coalition was last successful with Ann Richards. Been a long slog back but it appears to be having a resurrection under Beto.
  3. Yeah, I don’t get the Vietnamese vote.
  4. Yup, be prepared to be shocked by whatever media deal he signs.
  5. I wish those Tarrant numbers were higher.
  6. I certainly agree with that. She’s obviously someone who needs to learn a little more about humility and politics.
  7. Yeah, but he needs to grow up.
  8. Dallas is lagging a little so far.
  9. Tarrant finally has some Democratic Judicial candidates on the ballot again. I think that’ll help.
  10. Well, if one branch refuses to do their job, what’s the executive to do?
  11. Would you have been ok if Obama installed Merrick Garland on the SC and claimed the senate was abrogating their constitutional duty?
  12. Sure, but we need record turnout in Fulton to win.
  13. Not a great sign.
  14. Not surprising really. The Guv’s Covid orders have been pretty unpopular. I still think Biden is fine there but it’s something to watch. Of course, NM probably isn’t going to matter either way.
  15. I’d be surprised if their hoa actually bans political signs. Legally speaking, they can but those types of rules have been in disfavor for a long time.
  16. Good ad that will drive him crazy
  17. Yes, it’s “handmaid”
  18. Guy is wide open across the middle.
  19. I agree, but that’s what’s supposed to be the great thing about our offense, he should have a lane to run or there’s someone open over tye middle. His reads, other than scramble time, are horrendous. It’s why we can’t move the ball.
  20. When you get the rock shoved in your stomach with a tackle right in your face, you begin to wonder about your qb.
  21. No
  22. Again, you don’t understand how our offense works. Half the time our rbs were confused why they got the ball. I’ll tell you why, it didn’t make any sense. He doesn’t have the team, he has the coaches and a significant portion of the fan base on story alone, but he’s an ok qb.
  23. Incredible, we’ve had some GREAT qbs. They elevated the whole team. Not this guy. In fact, his run reads are so bad, I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire rb room hates him. He’s ok, decent, with a good coach he’d lead us to a conference champ, but whatever.
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