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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Texaspython

  1. We could not move the ball all game. I have no idea why these guys are defending him. It makes literally no sense.
  2. 14 points against that defense and a flaccid offense in OT is ok? I’m not saying, was it good, I’m just saying, was it ok? I remember a horrible int on the final play of the game that should have never happened. Again, decent QB, good dude, we ask him to do too much and it shows in wins and losses.
  3. My God you people are dense, no one says he sucks. He’s just not capable of what he’s being asked to do. His run reads are horrendous. His accuracy is terrible past 10 yards. Great guy when we throw the playbook out the window, great. Our point is, he’s being misused and he ducks at what he’s being asked to do.
  4. Yes, we get all of that, it’s a reflection on Herm and you guys. You’re blinded by his deficiencies.
  5. Honestly, you don’t give a shit about racial justice. Just be honest.
  6. This attitude, liking Sam for his story as opposed to what he does is the problem. Same problem Herm has, loving the story and the dude as opposed to the results. The guy is expected to do too much. He hasn’t been trained to do the things he should do to make this team successful. Honestly, I don’t understand the cult around this guy but cults are apparently a thing in this country now.
  7. We ask Sam to do too much. He’s not great but he’s also not the problem.
  8. What a dick.
  9. She needs to slow down.
  10. Trump needs this debate. No way he drops out.
  11. Seriously, do you really think that’s funny?
  12. Hold on, you referenced a Gallup poll from March of 2008. I’m sorry, my data comes from ya know, post election, they thing we’re talking about. Your shit is just so weak.
  13. I did, 1 in 10 Bernie voters, voted for Trump. The Democratic voters who didn’t show up were Bernie primary voters. Young voters who were convinced that Hillary was the anti-Christ by Bernie bros. It’s you and people like you that constantly shit on our candidates in such a naive and unfair manner that it’s incredible anyone likes them. We lose because of your stupidity.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320%3famp=1 Also, look in the mirror. You’re not voting for Biden, right?
  15. It’s about the only way I can explain you and your kind’s behavior. It’s why y’all didn’t support Hillary. Y’all want it to get so bad it’ll create some popular uprising, like a general strike.
  16. Bad_teammate and people like him need Trump to achieve whatever socialist revolution they want.
  17. Annie is wrong again?
  18. Probably but that’s going to be a hard sell to the American public.
  19. Good for you, as a lawyer I got hammered.
  20. He’s just so stupid. Was he was trying to say is “30% of the suburbs are minority, so it’s not racist to say you don’t want more public housing because minorities are already there”?
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