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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Texaspython

  1. I like everything but #3. You could say anything you want about Don Jr., he doesn’t care, wouldn’t bother him one bit because he doesn’t like him. Now, you dig Ivanka, that would sting.
  2. I think everyone is being a little overly critical of Joe because they’ve worked themselves into a massive state of anxiety. Chill out, he’s doing really well.
  3. I think the better argument is the way in which it destroys the myth of Trump.
  4. You obviously didn’t understand Annie.
  5. You seem to think the connections drawn by politicians were sincere. Could it be, maybe, they were trying to use any means to force him to release tax returns to confirm some things smart people have known all along: 1. Trump is a bad businessman 2. tax cheat 3. He’s not as rich as he makes himself seem. So, it’s more likely you just don’t understand.
  6. Look, it’s not on the tax return. Case closed
  7. I don’t know who you are either but i also don’t care. It’s obvious you’re frustrated and confused.
  8. Of course I did. It doesn’t support the point you’re trying to make. You’re flailing around and it’s pathetic. Ole Annie
  9. What’d you think of Madoff’s tax return?
  10. If Dems are smart they’ll just hammer the unfairness of her nomination and the politicization of the court. She’ll have to agree no matter how much they prepare her.
  11. He made an indefensible statement and he’s just trolling now.
  12. However, you’re basing her qualifications on the fact she was nominated by a fool and confirmed by a fraudulent senate. I’ll give you this, she’s been very fortunate in her timing and political connections.
  13. Well, she would have been a judge but repubs blocked her and never gave her a vote. Had she gotten her vote she would have been on a circuit court bench for 10 years...
  14. You’re doing a fine enough job on your own pards.
  15. You said “more qualified and less overtly political”. That’s just not true at all.
  16. What qualifies her to be a Judge to begin with? Kagan was the solicitor general, someone with intimate knowledge of how the court works. Yes, she was involved in a prior administration, just like many scotus justices. The difference is, Barrett really has no practical experience at all. She comes drone academy. That’s fine, but don’t act like she’s anything other than a political ideologue.
  17. She’s been Judge a couple of years, I’ll give you that, of course, she should not have been nominated to begin with. More political than Kagan? Come on man.
  18. You really are just impossibly ignorant.
  19. The fact that you don’t understand that goes to show you literally have no idea how warrants work. You also have no idea how these same warrants and the people who work them keep your ass safe everyday of your miserable/ignorant life.
  20. 1. You’re mad about the FISA act while willfully ignoring the legitimate underpinnings of the law. 2. You’re concerned about it’s use as a political tool. Guess what? We all are. 3. You have a basic misunderstanding about how surveillance warrants are obtained. It’s impossible to swear to a warrant application where you certify that all the information contained within is 100% verified. There will be thousands of warrant signed tomorrow in this country with unverified information. 4. The Steele Dossier’s information was in fact, very reliable. Most of the information contained within was verified and true. The warrant for surveillance was proper or at least the application’s submittal was proper.
  21. I can usually tell where someone has been to law school based on their demeanor. Sometimes it translates to competence, usually it’s just a marker of where they came from. She’s a light weight, isn’t qualified, and is simply a tool of a very specific political agenda. It is what it is, and we’ll all be the worse for it.
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