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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 22 minutes ago, NateHitch said:

    IDEX trying to rise from the ashes

    a true #stonk candidate - because there are options traded on this <$2 stock, just like ALT when I first ventured into that one pre-rocket launch 

  2. Thought I'd throw another update out there - Wally Jr left Iraq earlier this week, flew first class in the back of a C-130 and ended up in Kuwait. 
    Talked to him earlier and he said he'd gotten used to it being 115° in Iran, but it was over 125° in Kuwait yesterday and that is to fucking hot. So I asked him how he thought he'd do when he comes back in Oct/Nov and it is only 60° out; he said he didn't have any idea since he wore a sweater a couple of weeks ago, at night, when it was only 80° out.
    He also said that the base in Kuwait is miserable; tried to tell him to keep his chin up but he's in transitional housing and is pulling night shift in the motor pool. 

    All-in-all he is mainly just bored to death, but that's the army/military life for long stretches. At least they aren't shooting rockets at the base in Kuwait

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Get a new floor mat perhaps?

    I'm not looking at this as a one-time/one day occurance, $31/day will get me some BBQ for lunch, and a used KIA. I am stepping up in the world, my friend.
    Pretty sure I'm gonna splurge and get a personalized plate for that KIA 
    Michigan State University

    • Like 1
  4. 1. I've been told this story but I don't remember it - reportedly I was 2 years old, and my brother (8 years older)  was swinging a sledge hammer and he hit me with the handle, Knocked me out cold, since I awoke fairly quickly and seemed alright there was no trip to the hospital for this one.

    2. I was 4 years old, sitting on the team bench at my brothers baseball game; I have a clear recollection of this one, I'm sitting there playing with a glove, our team is batting so the bench is full. All of the sudden there is a crack of the bat, the glove slips from my hands and I start to lean forward to pick it up as I notice everyone around me diving off the bench. Ball hits me in the middle of my forehead, and once again I'm KO'd. This time I go to the hospital, get a cold pack and sent home. For almost a year you could see the stitches from the baseball on my head. The next summer, years before it became the norm to put up a fence in front of the dugouts. 

    3. Driving to go skiing, about a 3 hour drive, with 4 of us in my car. Going 70-75 on the highway and we hit some black ice, in moderate traffic; car does a complete 360° and we just kept right on our way. Nobody said anything for about 5 minutes, then we started laughing; I stopped at the next exit and let someone else drive the rest of the way because the more I thought about it the more it bothered me.

    4. Went to Catholic school for 7 years, never got sexually assaulted

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 10 hours ago, SuperSport said:

    IBIO cratering. Not great, Bob...


    8 hours ago, closetohumping said:

    Alt is cratering too


    7 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    Sold all my IBIO today for a decent 19.3% profit. Should've dumped it last week but oh well.

    On to the next STONK.


    7 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    Just dumped 20K shares of ALPP on the market. Please someone buy that piece of shit from me.


    6 hours ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    The Stonk life ain't no good life...


    5 hours ago, Rusty Shackelford said:

    but it's my life.

    So, what's the deal with ALT, looks like a good entry if it still is a good investment. I mean stonk


    5 hours ago, closetohumping said:

    So it’s goodbye to alt and ibio?

    and yet DECN, on no news is creeping back up, and low volume - I missed my reentry point, but this is the slowest pump that I've seen them in the last 2-3 months.
    When did P&D investors get so patient?

  6. On 7/23/2020 at 8:46 AM, Wally Fairway said:

    Article yesterday in the local paper, columnist says college football will ultimately be cancelled this fall due to risks


    I'm not sure I'm in complete agreement with the article, but there are valid points made.
    Also Michigan State put team workouts on hold today, after a staff member tested positive for COVID the past weekend, and they are awaiting test results for the entire staff (and I think the team). They had been doing "voluntary" workouts and were scheduled to be moving to 20 hour/week practices soon.



    Now all members of the MSU football team and staff members are in in isolation or quarantine after 16 positive test from 122 athlete test last week


  7. 23 hours ago, immamac said:

    everything is pos or neg rep except "confused" which is neutral at the moment.

    pos rep are things that seem positive "thanks, hookem, haha, like"

    neg rep are things that seem negative "fuck you, rage"

    Neutral are things that are ambiguous "confused"

    I really think that giving a post/poster the finger should be a +1 internet point, and if you don't agree then fuck you

  8. 1 hour ago, smwhorn said:

    He needs to start doing this again apparently.  He's missed the last two cuts (shot 80, 80 at The Memorial) and shot +8 today, the worst score of the morning players so far by three strokes.

    Well DJ is playing better the Bryson, as DJ made his putt for a 9 this week and Bryson missed his and took the 10 last week. 
    DJ doing his best Roy McAvoy and put 2 in the lake on 18, but he did get up and down from 185 to save that 9

  9. 2 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    A fair question. Many people tell me “Fuck you” over the course of a week. Some are meant as compliments. I generally take all of them as compliments. 


    • Fuck You 1
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