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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. Since I don't think this rally can last forever (JPow will undoubtedly prove me wrong), I threw some cash at 9/30 $325 SPY puts and 11/20 $315 SPY puts yesterday, which will undoubtedly push the markets even higher; regardless of bad news.

    Namaste (N.C) drops 2x financials, and they're trash: Also, duh ...

    • Like 1
  2. Just remember that all the people/investors who are now celebrating the V shaped recovery, are the same people who during the upcoming correction will tell you it will be a W shaped market recovery - based on March - June. They are convinced stocks can only go up

  3. 9 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Gonna max out my account on NASDAQ e-mini futures contracts.


    37 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Me right now.


    yeah but just think how much we will make when it finally does go into the next correction (well, unless we are broke, or broken, by then)


  4. 5 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:

    Focusing on infections as much as we do somewhat misses the point, too. Personally, I’d like to see more attention on hospitalizations and hospitalization trends because that would put so many other numbers in context. Increased testing, increased accuracy of tests, etc. can inflate the numbers a bit or maybe more than a bit. If the virus is indeed weakening, that can affect the hospitalization numbers.

    I’d also like to see all of these numbers broken down by age, race, and pre-existing medical conditions. I know some of that information is available for some states with some digging, but let’s see it up front so we know which groups are most vulnerable.

    Statistics for deaths FROM vs WITH the Covid are a pipe dream at this point, but it would be nice to see some more daily data on other things. 

    Agree that hospitalizations is the #1 stat - because it shows how the medical system is being stressed
    Deaths are important, but are a lagging indicator - by then there isn't much you can do to stem the tide
    But IMO too much emphasis is given to positive tests, because it doesn't relate to the number of tests, I think they should disclose the % positive tests because that can tell you if the rate is rising (meaning a higher R0) or if the rate is falling (related to increased testing). But I also realize the there is some variability due to positive people having to retest multiple times, same person testing negative multiple times, etc.

  5. 18 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Here is what happens when:
    a) a school can't get their prime candidate and have to look like they aren't being turned down across the board
    b) as a head coach you go 2-3 in the NFL (interim, 9 years ago) and 5-7 for a bad PAC-12 program in 2019 (yup - 2 HC stints, totaling about 13 months)

    I have nothing against him, hope he does a great job and earns all of it and gets an extension for his B1G titles and being in the playoffs  🙄
    But being paid virtually the same as Day is crazy, and more than Fitzgerald (best coach in the B1G), Leach and Patterson is nuts....but that is how this business goes



    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, ImissWallyPryor said:


    I've played it once, Harbour Shores. That was an exhibition to celebrate opening the course, which Jack designed.

    In an interview Jack said he was annoyed with Johnny complaining because he thought I'd Johnny hit a chip from the green others would too. I think there is 5-6 feet of elevation change on that green. Fun course.

    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Harrison Stafford said:

    Tell me you still have a healthy position in ALT.

    ALT is better than most stonks, because there are option - so rather than by a a couple of hundred shares you can take that same money and buy options on a few thousands shares. More risk, more reward (or complete loss - but we don't talk about that)

  8. 3 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    I'm back to isolation with the exception of the weekly HEB adventure which I attend to in a body comdom. Funeral required some bit of closeness and intimate moments that are not a normal part of the new normal. How long should a person wait to have the blood draw/antibody test done and who does that testing?

    I'm not the guy to answer that question- maybe @ChiTownDoc can help you with that

  9. 3rd Covid test this month (nasal swab) - still negative 

    O+ for the win


    El Diablo - I think it's recommended to wait 5-7 days after potential exposure to have the Covid tests, but if you are isolating and have no symptoms then why not wait a while longer and get the antibody test.
    The reason to get nasal swabbed is to then quarantine/isolate yourself, which if you are doing then wait to see about getting sick or antibodies.
    Good luck

    20 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    So many threads to choose from... What's the Surly thoughts on when to get tested? No real symptoms but I've been in what has amounted to isolation since March 9th and then last week attended two days of gatherings with family/friends for visitation and a funeral. Thinking maybe I should just take the test but don't know how long after possible exposure I should wait or if it is even a good idea without symptoms.

  10. 49 minutes ago, RCRanger03 said:

    you had a chance to get some .15 when it scraped the sea floor. I wrote my shares off when the suspension hit, and then when it came back I said I'm not touching them until FDA approval is released or it dies

    and that is why I can't truly lead the #stonklife - I didn't even think about putting in a buy order today, and then that damned J O B got in the way of me looking at the market until late afternoon.

  11. 1 hour ago, RCRanger03 said:

    There's been a FRSX PR release (https://www.foresightauto.com/stereo-vs-mono/) and she's already bumped $0.10 look for some PH/AH action once the profit takers shake out

    DECN stagnating though... bottom could fall out if we get below .35


    11 minutes ago, RCRanger03 said:

    Like a damn anchor

    Not that I'm pulling for it to drop, but I'll be looking to get back in if (when) it gets below .20 again
    I have almost zero confidence in whatever Berman says, this has the look, taste & smell of a pump and dump - driven by random press releases. He is somehow leveraged an actual home glucose testing company into a penny stock shooting for Covid testing status. If there were a chance they could enter that market, and gear up for high volume testing then somewhere in the BigPharma jungle someone higher up the food chain would have eaten this company to have an entree into that testing market.

    Just saying - it is what it is, and you can make decent bank on riding the P&D roller coaster

  12. 17 hours ago, Wally Fairway said:

    Dow premarket down about 300, S&P 500 premarket down about 35

    When do you think they go green today?

    Open, before noon, 2pm, close? (remember, they only go up)

    Not: I've actually seen a couple of articles scout expected fund rebalancing at quarter end moving monies out of socks and into bonds, even with near zero interest rates

    What a loser?

    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    don't be a pussy, we're riding this mofo to $1 land. 

    I hope so, because I look forward to getting back in again, around $0.20; don't kid yourself about daily activity being anything more than pump & dump.
    I'm looking to make money, not hoping to get rich by having one of these being a 10 bagger; 

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