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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. Dow premarket down about 300, S&P 500 premarket down about 35

    When do you think they go green today?

    Open, before noon, 2pm, close? (remember, they only go up)

    Not: I've actually seen a couple of articles scout expected fund rebalancing at quarter end moving monies out of socks and into bonds, even with near zero interest rates

  2. 41 minutes ago, Wally Fairway said:

    #Stonklife problems
    clearly having a job is a problem when you are trying to live a stonk life, why would someone schedule a 2 hour meeting to start at 9:00 or 9:30 - don't they know that is when the market opens, and when stonks typically break up/down at the open? How unthoughfully unstonky can they be - luckily I did have a sell order for half of my $310 SPY calls that expire today and got my price just after the open, but I now have to hope to eek out a little more to profit from the other half (my fault though for holding to expiration date)

    I'm now out of my $310 SPY 3/23 expire calls, and rolled over the original investment to som e$315 6/29 calls. Just trying to earn a few bucks along the ride up, before it takes the ride back down.

  3. 18 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    mine got beat up. So I added 310 strikes with same expiration. 

    I bet those 315 strikes are in the tasty range today - fucking JPow, the Brrrrr machine and the cult believers in "stocks only go up"
    (then again I'm working on mining nominal cash  from short-term near money SPY calls)

  4. #Stonklife problems
    clearly having a job is a problem when you are trying to live a stonk life, why would someone schedule a 2 hour meeting to start at 9:00 or 9:30 - don't they know that is when the market opens, and when stonks typically break up/down at the open? How unthoughfully unstonky can they be - luckily I did have a sell order for half of my $310 SPY calls that expire today and got my price just after the open, but I now have to hope to eek out a little more to profit from the other half (my fault though for holding to expiration date)

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  5. 6 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    8/21 305 puts in the bag. 

    I hope you puts faired better than mine today - lots of erosion, more than can be attributed to theta and a small uptick in the S&P, it looks like pricing bias is shifting away from reducing downside exposure.
    (which may mean it is time to buy downside exposure (aka puts) but with a mid to long term expiration, other than some puts I bought in late March/early April that expire in 10 days or less, everything else I have is 9/30, 11/20, 3/21 (offset by my small call positions on 6/18 strikes at 370 and 400, which I bought as a reminder that stonks only go up brrrrrr)

  6. 38 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Maybe he thought a cartridge is one piece and that magically makes powder and a metal pill. 

    Nope - It just came out easier than I thought it would. I shoot some, but I don't reload. 
    Just hadn't seen it before - what is the point, to get the gunpowder out?

    Sorry, it takes more than that to trigger me

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