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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 1 hour ago, Harrison Stafford said:

    Today is option expirations day which means the market shouldn't swing dramatically one way or the other as it's usually pinned to screw option holders.  If the market gets -150, there's a good chance the market swings the other direction.  Buy the calls in this area and good luck.

    Thanks - if you buy (play) SPY options, almost everyday is options expiration day. 
    Today is a good example of why it is difficult to be a trader when you have a "regular" job, I did buy some SPY $310 calls earlier in the day, they slowly went up and then I got called into a short meeting around 3:30, and they were back down by the time I got back to my desk about 3:55. Thankfully I don't play same day expiry, as there is too much risk of having an in the money exercise (and that can cause some problems), so I'm sitting on them over the weekend, hoping to get a short term swing, as they expire 6/24. 
    Thankfully it isn't a lot at risk, just hoping to skim some cash off the volatility.

  2. 8 minutes ago, RCRanger03 said:

    Since the ALPP crowd is growing a reminder that its a longer play than most stonks

    Short term .14 - .2 on 10Q, historically sliding back (scalping territory)
    Medium term .44 end of the year on sustained profitability, and acquisitions
    Long term $$$ on uplisting to NYSE

    If you could just forget about it until 2022 you'd be golden

    Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk

    Take that investing talk somewhere else

    We want #stonks! 
    We want #stonks! 
    We want #stonks! 

    Pitchforks GIFs | Tenor

    • Like 2
  3. Nobody is saying that long drive champions are going to start winning tour events, certainly you need an all round game. But it isn't a coincidence that people like Snead, Jack and Tiger were long hitters in their day; and the current top 5 in the OWGR are all considered long off the tee (fwiw that's Rory, Rahm, JT, Brooks and DJ)>

    I've played with plenty of guys who were long off the tee, but struggled to keep in on the golf course, and I've seen guys who could keep it around par by playing in the fairway, and had a short game to get up and down around the green. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Not saying he can't putt but long drives have always been for show and no dough.

    Shots gained data shows that there is more advantage to be made off the tee and the approach than there is putting.
    That old adage is a bit dated - sure you still have to be able to sink some putts, but a wedge in gets you better scores than a 7 or 8 iron.

    • Like 1
  5. Not really national businesses, but not local either

    So WSJ has an article on businesses that are struggling during the shut down
    The repo man, debt collectors, bankruptcy lawyers, auction lots, the bankruptcy trustee office, etc
    Banks are extending payment terms, and the businesses that typically get involved in the mess that follows loan defaults are struggling

    Not that people typically feel bad about these businesses, but they are all cogs in the capitalist economic machine


  6. Somebody dumped a bunch of ALT today, 68,000 shares sold on the downtick at 11:00, which dropped it below $7.00 for a short while.
    Looks like something similar in DECN today, as it dipped to $0.055 on several 100,000 shares being moved (pumped and dumped)
    gotta love #stonks and their completely irrational random behaviors

  7. 1 minute ago, conVINCEd said:

    Birdied 9 as well for a cool 29 on the front.  If he could avoid the double and triple bogeys (he took a triple on 12) he might win a few tournaments.

    yeah - just Jordan doing Jordan things, that birdie on 9 was from 3', so 8 birdies today, no bombs the longest was 12'

  8. Just checking in on my stonky'st investments
    - Was long ALT stock but sold for a gain, took some of the gains and bought 12/18 $7.50 calls - made a little on the stock sale, but I'm up almost 100% on the options
    - holding 15,000 DECN - bought 25,000, sold 10,000 for $.25 - waiting for the "big" move, all in my net cost is just over $.10
    - holding 25,000 ALPP, in around $.07, holding for that breakout
    - and in my attempt to correct the JPow machine, and in a moment of frustration with all bad news being priced in - I bought some 6/18/2021 $400 SPY calls at about $1.50. Because the market only goes up, and I'll be damned if those aren't worth $1.75....I can't even jinx the market correctly, but at least I'm up almost a quarter. That's right I'm long $85 out of the money, one-year calls on SPY...as a joke on all my other investments

    How to Profit From the Coronavirus Crash

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

    -- Annoying dry cough. Never got to the choking to death stage, just wouldn't go away.

    --Dazed and Confused


    --Spins, like, I almost fell out in the middle of the street one day. Had to channel Inner Lee Marvin that day.

    Still kind of comes and goes, the weakness that is. Probably doesn't have anything to do with zero exercise and excessive drinking.

    I had something similar - but I can't remember exactly when it was, seems like late January, maybe early February. Had a couple of days with really bad dizzy spells, the most memorable was driving to work, about 1 mile from home and everything just started spinning; it passed quickly but scared the shit out of me. I drove side streets to work that day, as I didn't want a second episode while cruising at highway speeds. 
    That was the worst, there were several days that followed that were more like unsure footing and not feeling really centered when walking or even standing; spent most of those days at my desk at work and in front of the TV at home. 
    Alas - I've since tested negative for antibodies, so it was more likely due to some alien probing or an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard or a fragment of underdone potato.

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/24/2020 at 9:49 AM, Wally Fairway said:

    I've been thinking about how bad defaults could get, and IMO it is hard to tell because some companies have received extension of terms or agreements for delayed payments. But this isn't a short-term problem. Like the comment earlier in the thread about junk bonds being junk, companies overloaded with debt show how big the problem is during a downturn.
    No idea how bad this could be for REIT's and others depending on rent payments, or oil prices, consumer spending, etc. 

    How do I go long on loan defaults - can retail customers buy credit default swaps or is this already priced into that market?

    With the Fed propping up bond prices, people can lose sight that the underlying fundamentals of the company that issued the bond can still go to shit. The Fed actions can further hide the zombies, but it doesn't correct the underlying problem; however it could take years/decades for the shit to actually hit the fan - and for that reason I'm out. Out of trying to figured out retail CDS opportunities.

  11. 2 hours ago, Mother mopar said:

    Rough past month in the Air Force after a F-22, F-35 and now a F-15 crash. Hope they find him, thoughts and prayers to his family.

    Wyoming ANG C-130 overshot the runway and crashed into a wall in Iraq last week, yesterday my sources said they still hadn't been able to move it.

  12. 15 hours ago, stone oak said:

    Thread title is extremely offensive to me. We should not be using the R word anymore in any capacity, especially given the current cultural sensitivities.

    Moose out front should have warned you about this place


     if you are afraid of your fucking feelings getting hurt this isn't the website for you.


  13. On 6/11/2020 at 11:40 AM, Wally Fairway said:

    So Mrs Fairway & I each had Dr. appointments on June 4, and we both went with each other to those appointments. Mrs. Fairway gets a call today from a contact tracer, they suggest getting tested due to contact at a Dr. appointment; it has to be her Dr office as they contacted her. So she is debating going for the test, I tested negative as of last Saturday, so to some degree I should be good - should I make her sleep in the garage, or put the tent up in the back yard for her until she gets test results???

    So the whole family tested yesterday

    All negative so far for Covid, only two of use did the antibody test (vial), both negative. Nobody sleeping in the tent or garage.

    O+ for the win!!!!

  14. I've seen several headlines and read a couple of article about states with increasing cases of COVID (17-22 is the number of states in various articles), but none of the article I've read list the states & they don't really say if it is hospitalizations or just people testing positive. 
    Huge difference in that hospitalizations up would mean more active cases, people testing positive could just be more widespread testing - I'm like about as smart as Forrest Gump, and even my stupid ass knows the difference goes beyond just more cases reported. 
    Is there any reliable source to get real data or information and not just click-bait shits reporting?

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