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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 10 minutes ago, ZB'Tejas said:

    About 50% invested. Conflicted on whether I start selling gains or hold and just buy more if we go back down this summer. Anyone like $ZI here?


    2 minutes ago, BevoSwag said:

    I'm about 50% invested too.  Have misread these markets every fricken day since February 1, 2020.  Someone said short S&P500.  If I do it will rocket up like SpaceX Dragon.  

    LOL - I wish I was 50% invested in the market, unfortunately I've short the market via puts. The only thing saving me is a long SPY position that my puts started out as a hedge against, and a lucky guess on buying BA $125 calls that are printing money (and now I'm sure I've jinxed that one too)

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Fuck Tim Beck said:

    The Alamo can't be a region. Because then where would you keep the bicycle?

    in the basement of the region, where else could you even consider putting it?

    hell, son, I'm a goddamned yankee and I know that!

  3. 7 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    I mean, you'd think that puts would be paying off in the midst of historic levels of unemployment, a pandemic, and broad social unrest, but here we are...

    c'mon you know the answer .... right


    all that shit is priced in


    Do you really need to look?


    • Like 3
  4. 39 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    What does your breakdown in your 401k look like right now? 

    I am heavy on large caps and thinking that I need to rebalance, but I ended up with this balance thinking that large caps were a better place to capture the spring back and minimize the risks to the downside. Anyways, curious what your balance looks like and where to be moving forward.

    55% cash

    39% large (SP index, JPM growth, Schwab value) 

    6% small (russell index, growth, value)

    0% international, 0% employer stock

    My breakdown is
    Cash - 12.3%
    Long equity - 78.7% (primarily SPY, some tech funds, LUV and some small stonk plays)
    short equity - 4.2% (SPY puts with expiry 9/20 - 3/21 that have quickly diminished in value, and a DIS put that is virtually worthless)
    Int bearing - 4.8% (a tribute investment to my Dad who loves dividends & interest)


    I'd have to look back about 8 weeks and I was 25% cash, 49% long, 27% short - the market has done most of the rebalancing

  5. They tease people so hard with this lottery, go my confirm email today

    The Masters Tournament Ticket Office has received your application
    request for tickets.
    The selection for Practice Rounds and Daily Tournament tickets will take place after
    the June 21st application deadline and all applicants will be notified in September via email
    when the process is completed.
    Confirmation and payment instructions will be posted to successful
    applicant accounts at that time.
    Thank you for your interest in Masters Tournament tickets.


  6. What if curfews are really being implemented primarily to make lawful marches, protest and gatherings and unlawful act thus allowing a military/police state to override the constitutional right to assemble by a mayor or local authorities temporary power. 

  7. 12 hours ago, Bone3421 said:

    So does military take over make market go up? Guess we will find out

    markets only go up, military take over IAPI - only good news affects the market
    (still holding my Sept and longer SPY puts, and watching them lose more and more every day)

  8. 1 hour ago, Wally Fairway said:

    Looks like you may get your chance to exit at $10 today (if pre-market is any indication), why not sell at least enough to recoup your investment and then ride some gains?
    (this is clearly not #stonk advice in which you would let it ride)

    Looks like the Wally jinx is in full effect - ALT is down, after being up pre-market....falling soon after I posted

  9. 9 hours ago, NateHitch said:

    What do y'all think about ALT? Got in around $4.50 and have enjoyed the ride. I'm torn between thinking $10 is the top or thinking it could top $30-40

    Looks like you may get your chance to exit at $10 today (if pre-market is any indication), why not sell at least enough to recoup your investment and then ride some gains?
    (this is clearly not #stonk advice in which you would let it ride)


    8 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

    This is good advice - I've stolen a phrase I heard years ago "nobody ever went broke realizing their gains"

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    I like both of them quite a bit, but ARS tends to get super full of himself sometimes and won’t take any other opinion offered as palatable.   

    While you are correct, you could also write the same thing about Joe Kernan. What makes it hard to watch is that they end up talking over each other, cutting the other one off and just repeating the same thing. I envision it as a Spy v. Spy cartoon

  11. 4 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Imo it will be worse.  

    One, some places should have opened up sooner - like Chicago where hospitals have plenty of capacity but we are still stuck with nothing open - so when they say lockdown a second time nobody will listen. 

    Two, coronaviruses tend to wreak more havoc in cold weather anyway and there’s very little herd immunity, which could have helped mitigate the second wave.  

    Okay - but can you give us some insight on this most important of specific questions?

    Will the 2nd wave come late enough to allow college football?
    (asking for a friend - a Surly friend)

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