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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 32 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Ok Enrico Pallazzo

    Let's call that a foul ball - still at 2 strikes - poor analogy with 10% chance of thunderstorm, which I can track on my phone and see how it progresses, that I would preclude a day on the golf course because of said prediction; strike 2 projecting that because I would not cancel my golf means I don't trust science; calling me Ernico Pallazzo was a good one - long fly ball just foul actually almost hit the fair pole.  (just typing this make me verklempt and missing sports) . 

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  2. 2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    lol. Would you golf if science says theres a 10% chance of thunderstorms on a day that’s mostly sunny?

    Great analogy - last time I checked lighting isn't contagious, so I can't get it from someone, nor can I spread it to elderly parents and immune compromised family, friends and co-workers.
    nice try - that's strike one, you want to take another swing

  3. -5.25 in one eye, -6.00 in the other - just had my annual exam and the new eye Dr (prior one retired) suggested tryiing toric lenses. They come in next week, so we will see if that helps. I can read without contacts, but need cheaters (1.50) to read/computer with contacts. 
    I've done it for close to 50 years, it's much easier then it was when I first got them....no issues, just take them out when I go to bed (almost all of the time) and put them in after I take my morning piss. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

    Take a conference call and my daily gain on my SPY puts was reduced by 80%. wtf brrrrt

    morning open was a mistake, people actually forgot that the bad news was already priced in - people remember, markets are green.
    this is also why my earliest expiry puts are now 6/30 and run all the way out to mid 2021.
    sadly this shit is still to expensive to buy up - either to expensive in short term to fight the brrrr, or too expensive long-term to buy that much theta.

    just a quick look at the put that I hold it looks like comparable puts today (similar time to expiry and $/% out of the money) are more than 2x as expensive, 

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  5. On 4/7/2020 at 4:30 PM, immamac said:

    This used to be a thread accepting mod applications now we are electing a mod for a week. First election Monday top rep earner for the week gets elected.

    Choose wisely 

    30 minutes ago, DaysOff said:

    Hugo? How do I donate to your campaign sir?

    Sign out front should have told you - rep @Beau Vine to make him mod for the week


  6. Is this real? making assholes moderators for a week? seems kind of risky?

    How do we rig the election - is it really all about rep? can I just pay to be a weekly mod? I think I can find tree fiddy laying around?

    No seriously, we should make a concerted effort to mod someone - post your nominations below, and we will rep the shit out of them for a week.

  7. DECN - what does the market know, or what doesn't it know?

    There is some information about a COVID antibody test, that DECN says it has been submitted for approval. If the market thought there was real potential, then you'd think there would be interest from speculators and that some pharma or medical device company would be interested in taking a stake. 
    Then again the SEC suspension could scare some people off until there is more clearity.
    Great example of the market prices it all in, or the market is not a perfect pricing mechanism.

    100% toss up 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Kinda fucking pissed that schwab is taking so long to process my transfer request. They're stealing food out the mouths of hungry children at this point. 

    FWIW - they all take a while to process; in the last 2+ years my Dad has moved his account at least 4 times. Which sucks from a timing and gain/loss realization (when he moves to/from a managed account) and from having to get all the paper works in and correct.


    So I thought I was taking a break from the #stonk-life, all my options are now 6/30/2020 expiration or later, and I've got a chuck (about 50%) back into long positions. And when I looked at where things closed my net change for the day was basically from my DECN holdings...and it's the stonkiest of stonk holdings.
    Just when you think you are out they pull you right back in

    Al Pacino GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

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  9. 35 minutes ago, RCRanger03 said:

    Interesting that the yahoo report dated today (5/12) is really a link to a story from last week on 5/5 on a NYC TV station medical minute report. 
    Digging into this a little more - LinkedIn show 3 employees, 2 of which are IT positions, and the 3rd is the CFO/CEO/President Berman. my spidey senses are tingling...like this could be a mini-Theranos. Also of note, I only see on member of the Board of Directors...guess who? (that's right Berman)

    Hopefully not, but how did a NYC station find this needle in the haystack, while the stock trading was suspended? 
    Who got them this prime promotional airtime? Not Berman, he comes across as somewhat of a schlub in that 15 second clip with him - not at all like Elizabeth Holmes, who was always dolled up for the media.

  10. 11 hours ago, Deej said:

    And to think there were guys on the old site thirsty for that. 


    9 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Old site ???

    hell this site 

    What happened to @Whitman ???

    and for your viewing interest - from the internet time machine and MidDay Mackenzie



    and lest we forget 


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  11. 8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Have you not heard of her relationship with Shaggy/etc. in the past?

    And she's not the craziest thing that has been spawned on or by the various incarnations of this board.  Maybe spawned is not the right word, but she's not the weirdest thing to have latched onto this community.  

    The pedophile tow truck driver who was throwing huge rocks through people's windshields on the highway probably reigns supreme.

    Oh she is in the top bracket with TxTow, Crazy Chick, Tor, the wreath fund guy (can't remember his name), a few others. 

  12. Oh

    What has Austin done to deserve this?
    I like to think people might be misunderstood, or deserve a 2nd act - but this chick is bat-shit crazy, actually to call her bat-shit crazy is an insult to bat-shit crazy people around the world.

    just wow, Wow, WOW - if she were to get elected I'd likely piss myself laughing so hard


    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. I was attacked in my own home, and I can only complain about it here.

    I don't know how it came up but we were playing a game last night....me, twyfe, and 2 college age kids, and out of nowhere one of the kids used the word stonk, Mrs. Fairway asked what that word was and the kids went into some long description of how it is some idiotic phrase from the internet and how it was only stupid people who used it. I'm not sure what happened after that; because I think I went into a state of shock, there must have been some response because they kept bringing it up and laughing and twyfe kept saying she really didn't understand what they were saying or why it was funny, then she would ask me if I understood & I think I just shrugged my shoulders. 
    Congrats - surly, reddit and the internet in general have ruined my life. If it wasn't Mothers Day & I didn't have 3 racks of ribs in the smoker I think I would have had to take a day off for a long thoughtful walk and contemplate all the bad decisions in my life....things like kids, marriage and why I didn't start my #stonk life earlier.

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