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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 16 hours ago, conVINCEd said:

    Agreed on the teams, but I’ll watch for the course.  They need to put something together at Pine Valley and Cypress Point as well.

    Fuck yeah, they could raise a ton of money auctioning off the right to caddy for the players for a hole or two on Cypress Point

  2. 20 minutes ago, BrazilHorn said:

    So does the Surly 1% believe that all (or bulk) of downside is already built into stock prices? I am thinking of upcoming earnings for companies that are going to be impacted by CV19.

    Will stocks that are at X$/share that post crappy covid results see share prices drop as they may typically in a non-cv19 world where poor performance happened?

    I just cannot get a gauge on how the street will react to upcoming earnings results that are going to be by and large poor in comparison to what would have been expected.

    This is a great question, see what happens to Disney after they report earnings today.

    It's hard to tell though because only March, and maybe a week if February were impacted and nobody knows how things will reopen.


  3. 1 hour ago, Wally Fairway said:

    How much do we think DIS will go up today, based on their bad numbers reported?
    I know it's red now, but history says IAPI and up, up, up the markets and Stonks will go ⬆️

    I figure DIS will move after they report, but I don't know which way - so for $1,800 I decided on a 5-8 expiry 101-108 strangle; which virtually guarantees that it will never move more than $1 off $105.

    Someday, hopefully soon, I will actually figure out that I don't know shit from shinola.....but today is not that day.

  4. 8 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Karen and Brett will go.  You can bet your ass they will go.

    Michigan is full of people who will go, hell they don't even wear masks. And when the 2nd want comes they will take no responsibility, and blame that on the Governor.

  5. JPow trying to take away all of your puts



    The Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility (PMCCF) was established to support credit to large employers for bond and syndicated loan issuance. The PMCCF will allow companies access to credit so that they are better able to maintain business operations and capacity during the period of dislocations related to the pandemic.

    Translated to english - the Fed will soon start buying Corporate bonds, to support the credit markets and to support corporate issuers.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Eastwood said:

    Happened to me with AAL. Sold a put of AAL that ended up getting exercised, so I was holding 100 shares that was down out the gate. Have clawed back the losses by selling calls that would break even for me if exercised, but the calls either expiring worthless or closing out the call to take profit has softened the blow by a couple hundred dollars. I've definitely learned a lot about the mechanics and strategies over the past 2 months. This market has been a real teaching experience.

    Yup, you can read and practice but nothing really teaches like actual trading.
    Someone posted that the maximum loss on buying puts is the purchase price - that is correct in theory, but in the actual world, if you a buying uncovered puts and they are in the money on expiration and you don't have do not exercise instructions with your broker; then the brokerage can exercise the option and potentially put your account into a margin position with margin loans and potentially you are on the hook for losses if the stock price falls. This is why I try to not hold to close, unless it is a covered position, which in today's brokerage world having to lose shares to a put isn't expensive as there is little transaction costs in buying the stock back if I want to hold it again.

    • Like 2
  7. 21 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    When it busted through $5 I was cheering for all of you that were in it and at the same time praying for your to get out right then and there.  Sounds like most were already out before it got to $5 which is plenty fine.

    Here is my LOL story of the day - when I check back after lunch, I had one unfilled order my last holdings on UAVS which I'd put a limit on at $5.25 as it was approaching $5, I changed it just in the last 10 minutes to sell my remaining stock at $1.25. Still made decent return, but hold too long and you can kill yourself wondering what could have been.

    11 Shark Tank "I'm Out" Memes That'll Make You Chuckle

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  8. 7 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I’ve learned the hard way to take gains as well. I prefer to sell half at a nice gain and let the rest ride.

    I also had the learning experience a couple weeks ago of holding a runner through an “analyst day” that was hyped and got burned on it. $Xair

    So I sold my other half at 4.00 this morning. Thanks @RCRanger03

    Yeah - I cleared almost 30%, still holding more than I hoped to because my last sell never executed - but I'm going to hold, at least some, and see where this heads.

    Although, looking at their investor relations page - this is kind of a red flag for me, why is a company in bumfuck Kansas audited by a West Palm Beach, FL CPA firm? (other than the obvious tie in with a Florida broker)



    D. Brooks and Associates CPAs P.A.

    319 Clematis Street, #318

    West Palm Beach, Florida 33401

    Phone: 561-429-6225


  9. 19 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    If I can get the timing down, this would go from fun to...well even more fun I guess.   Probably shouldn’t do this but I figured out what I left on the table today.  Still learning those lessons, expensive as they may be. Right now it’s timing.  I got out of both of this weeks pure gambles at  >30%. Pigs fat, hogs slaughtered isn’t making me feel any better.   Congrats to you guys that are slamming it. 

    Here are some guidelines that help with this type of gambling.
    It is gambling, as much as it is investing, if you are looking for a quick profit.
    Remember the bolded part, never go in trying to maximize - go in looking to make a profit.
    Nobody ever went broke taking their gains. 
    Never forget your losses; wins are exciting and memorable - but the long game is about batting average just home runs

    What helps, at least in my playbook, is to set some selling points (limit orders) that take interim gains and reduces money left on the table. 
    Limiting your losses helps in the long run, both by not riding things down, but also because you don't hold long term and tie up investable cash.
    If you are looking a flip (pump and dumps, whatever you want to call them) opportunities, set an initial time limit - like earnings report dates, or pressers.

    I welcome others to give any of their rules, guidelines, #stonk tips


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  10. 6 minutes ago, Continental Op said:

    lol DIS

    Seriously, what the hell is driving that - the vaccine hype? Just wait until it's announced that Mickey got the rona

    And good job on UAVS at the close, sure it fell some; but I'm optimistic heading into tomorrow as there wasn't absurd volume that you typically see in a pump & dump. And for that I will be crying tomorrow when it crashes (double entendre intended) back down to earth again.

  11. If the SEC calls - I don't know you, and none of you know me.

    Got it?

    I sold most of mine, took almost all of my investment out, remaining shares have a net cost around $0.25 - so hopefully still a good day tomorrow. But I couldn't let it all ride. 

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