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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. What are the odds that I (and my fellow Surly posters) would be on the same message board as someone who can stop WWIII? Who in Austin Is the modern day equivalent Archduke Ferdinand?
  2. I didn't ask who to do it, I asked if anyone had searched, or called? Give it a try, record it and post the response - tell whoever answers you are a friend of Joe Stang and are concerned about his mental health
  3. So anyone else google that phone number? anyone give it a call?
  4. Seems like the speech writers did their job, Grandpa Joe did better than anyone thought he would/could last night. Now the trick will be to see when he stumbles while out stumping in the next few months. In all honesty he was elected because of strong Democratic voting and getting out the Never Trump vote; both of those had been slipping for him as he and his administration had faller over the past year. Will last nights performance be enough to elect him to a 2nd term? (and likely get Kamala Harris as the first woman as president when Joe has to step down). No matter what happens Trump will get his supporters out to vote - the question in my mind is will enough people get out to support Biden to get to 270
  5. Speech writers have done s great job so far
  6. At this point he should do the grandpa Simpson, and turn around and shake hands and leave
  7. George Fucking Santos is in the house, that is a big middle finger to this whole session
  8. What is the drinking game tonight? Each over mention of Trump? Trashing Republicans not passing legislation? Everytime he stumbles on spending English?
  9. Why not just tell us why you are killing all these guys; instead of throwing fuel on the fire of gay or not gay. Or are you not yet ready to confide in your close group of Surly friends?
  10. Yeah - if the B1G want to have a national presence then they will need to add some southern schools - could be Clemson, Florida St, a random Florida directional, somebody in Texas (Houston (puke), TCU/SMU, Georgia Tech (would be a good fit - when academics mattered). What really needs to happen is for someone (Saudi PIF - another puke) to pay big buck to split football from the current conferences - history & tradition don't matter a shit anymore, show me the money$$$.
  11. The money maker isn't in the sports, it is in the TV market that the B1G milks out of the regions for cable access - primarily the B1G Ten network (which sucks - in case you need a hint)
  12. I sold my remaining calls today; so all the reverse Wally indicators show the market changing to risk on
  13. Pretty sure you just described Milliways, first you meet your meat then you get to watch the Universe explode.
  14. It is a windmill, that has solar panel on each of the blades.
  15. MH 370 disappeared 10 years ago this Friday - March 8, 2014. And I was a report today there is another search effort this is looking to kick off https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/malaysia-may-renew-hunt-for-missing-flight-mh370-10-years-after-its-disappearance-1.6792692
  16. I'll just keep this thread going - James Crumbley's trial is scheduled to start this week with jury selection. This guy is going to need Jake Brigance or Mickeya Haller to save him from a guilty verdict https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/oakland/2024/03/01/oxford-james-crumbley-father-journal-text-school-shooting/72806062007/
  17. Up almost another .02 (12%) so far today - only thing I own that is green today. Run AMY Run. (yeah I know - jinxing jinxer shit)
  18. How long do we think it is until Slorch actually rents an EV with knowing it until he pulls up the pump?
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