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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. Try adding the cost of adoption to it after failed IVF. And people ask me why I am still working
  2. note to self - invest in companies that make chastity belts (I mean that is where they are going, right?)
  3. are you asking because you are a pitcher or a catcher? (nttawwt)
  4. Dude - are you trying to replace me. Good luck, I am enjoying my BRK.B calls, someone remind me that to make money you have to sell when you stop holding things that are actually above the cost.
  5. I am surprised at bernoranges post - I thought he would have posted what I am about to The market excitement will last for a while, but when the new jobs report, inflation number and the continued stock market surge is all accounted for the Fed may well unpause their rate increases or at least take any rate decreases of the table for 2024 and likely indicate that none in 2025. Then we will see if the Fed has any real impact on the market (it will drop when they announce, but how long will that last), or are they now just having to step back and watch the economy (I don't think they will give up the battle)
  6. I will join the support group - my story is slightly different though, we went through fertility treatment and the long path that it takes you. That path ended with 2 failed IVF procedures, and previously several failed IUI treatments. We had at least 3 IVF specialists that we worked with, and after the last IVF one of the Dr's said that we should consider adoption. That hit us both very hard; but we regrouped.
  7. Sell company A, harvest that tax loss. Buy calls on company B, at about the same price is now, but for 6 months from now. Exercise is beyond wash/sale limit. Stock goes up = Profit. Stock doesn't go up - {insert "one of us" gif} Actual answer/guess is that you can sell A and buy B and not have a wash transaction as they are different stocks and there are risks and rewards that are different for each (disclaimer - I selpt at a Holiday Inn Express last night)
  8. Secede - that will certainly be interesting, can't wait to see how that goes Just out of curiosity, how does that work with the trillions we've run up in debt? does it offset the amounts that are paid as SS and Medicare/Medicaid benefits? I know it sounds enticing, but the details of how it works will be interesting. I'd love to see them close the border to Mexico and to Oklahoma. What to you think they should call the currency? Countries used to use gold to back their currency, I think the Country of Texas should use oil? Is the capital going to be Austin, or will there be a new capital be built - maybe encompass The Alamo. So many questions, but I like it
  9. Buy the hype, sell the news. "A tale as old as time, True as it can be Ever just the same, Ever a surprise Ever as before, Ever just as sure As the sun will rise" - sound investment advice from Beauty and the Beast
  10. Dude - you need to join the Church of the FSM, and become a Pastafarian. Once you have been touched by his noodly appendage you will be open to all knowledge and full awareness
  11. I am sure there is a better thread for this, but I didn't feel like finding it You want to talk about something that we (humans - purportedly an intelligent race) have truly fucked up is all the pollution in space. It started with Sputnik, and it will never end, there skies are filling with junk, some of it useful, some of it just junk/debris/trash/etc. Here is a summary of stuff that "we" have put into orbit video is from here - https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/climate/space-debris-solution-climate-scn/index.html nasa-timelapse-extra-compressed.mp4
  12. I have my towel packed, and I am ready to travel
  13. ooooh - someone thinks they are Nostradamus or maybe Rasputin
  14. Hey - show us your tits, then run for Austin city council; while I cannot guarantee you win the elections it has worked before
  15. They both shot from the NBA line, but each used the ball they normally play
  16. Hey @JosephStang So I googled Alan Stangs son - and the 12th item listed is this thread, so I am stuck in a do loop. The other items I glanced at didn't help, so I am lost I am impressed by my fellow posters as I planned on posting the following - this is Wendys', what would you like to order - the Clooney gif of first time - tin foil hat gif but those were already taken, and I am all out of clever. Do you know Chad Briscoe, or Derka? BTW - welcome to Surly, there is supposed to be an entrance exam. Please answer the following questions: - What to you think of OU - What is your take on Aggy - Yes or No - is Kevin Morgan an asshat
  17. not really - if you are buying it through a 401k, they you buy fractional shares every time it is funded, and I think you can just buy it in $ amounts I think most brokers will fill orders for $$"s on ETF's and mutual funds. To be honest I have no idea if some brokerages charge higher fees for fractional share transactions, I do know that Schwab charges next to nothing for stocks, mutual funds, ETF's and usually just pennies for options, there are some small fees for non-US holdings. I think my son is buying $50 week (or every other week) of SPY, and paying no fees at Schwab. Then again maybe this is special pricing for their best customers - after all I am a multi-thousandaire, and a nominally active trader.
  18. How you doin? Thought it never rains in Southern California; but when it does it pours
  19. Fuck Bank Holiday's - if I have to work, why don't the banks & the markets Guess I will just have to actually work a full day today - and that kinda sucks
  20. was just going to comment about our resident serial killer; reminds me of @TxTow talking shit about rock throwers. but in this case this seems like a weak attempt at getting a lighter sentence. Good Luck Nicole
  21. Call me crazy, but in addition to travelling to Mars, then establishing a colony both of which take tons of resources, you then have to build an orbital hotel/docking station to vaca off the planet for 5 years (meaning food, water, medicine, etc); but this seems like a bit much. Sounds like a 100 year plan, where everything has to go just right.
  22. Which always brings the question about who had his card; was it Patrick Slowplay, or Hoge - in the end Jordan is responsible to sign a correct card. I am thinking this had to do with his double on 18 and being pissed about it. He isn't listed in the field next week in Mexico, so he had time to work on his game, and his counting.
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