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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. This is what happens with the new signature events, it will basically keep the big name draws out of the week before because they "have" to play the next week. It will be interesting to see what happens to the Phoenix Open, as it is the week between 2 signature events.
  2. Serious question - is there a way to tell if the strong push in BRK is related to stock buyback? Because it has moved up pretty quickly the last 10 days, and it is hard to believe that Buffet lemmings have all realized to take their sideline money out of MM accounts and push it all back into Warren & Co. I am not complaining, just wondering - I know purchases will be reported, just not sure when.
  3. the plan has always been to kick the can down the road, and then fund appropriations to build a longer road. it has worked for quite a while, but when interest becomes the largest annual expenditure it seem s unsubstainable; but it has been a good run.
  4. I am certainly not saying you are wrong - but other than the SEC, what conference isn't shitty? Big 12 - LOL, PAC 2/Mountain West BigLOL, ACC - falling apart but smaller LOL, Conference reaillignment summary below (quoted to stop long-cat post https://biggameusa.com/uncategorized/2024-college-football-conference-changes.html
  5. Update - the last week has turned the Uncle Warren play into the rate + side of playing options, these are still otm but I won't hold them to expiry. Rather looking to take profits as they run up towards the strike price, though if I can make enough I might hold an option or 2 and let them exercise at expiration. Full disclosure - these are the only options I currently hold, rethinking this whole gambol stratego money pit.
  6. https://www.pgatour.com/article/news/latest/2024/01/25/the-american-express-winner-nick-dunlap-announces-turning-professional-pga-tour-membership-signature-events-players?deviceId=2a225bd7-a976-4aba-989d-1e52e76a8a1a
  7. I totally forgot this was a Wed-Saturday tournament week, thought I would catch the first round scoring - I was wrong.
  8. I would like to congratulate Coach Harbaugh, for the laughs, cheating, the innovation (taking the team on Spring practice trips), and for fulfilling the dreams for many of my family and friends. And to the posters here who kept this thread alive for years - it was a good run, but he will never get the same attention coaching an NFL team; and his brother will kick his ass on Sunday's. I still think someone should hire Joani Crean, because football is in the blood of Jack Harbaugh's kids.
  9. Yeah there is a club for that, and everyone is in it (same for Skip)
  10. NO, hell no, I will break your hands if you fucking do this again (then again, I did lower my average cost by almost 50% on a 5.% increase in the overall investment) {insert burning money gif}
  11. I'm hearing rumors that Brian Kelly land at UMAA P
  12. Here is what they spent during that quarter Let's be careful here - it looks like there could be some actual due diligence and research going on right here. We don't want to be those kind of investors gamblers
  13. You are missing 2 things a) this is the amount owed at that end of 10/31/2023 related to payroll - so it could be a weeks payroll, or taxes on a weeks payroll, or something else payroll related. But it is not the amount of payroll expense for the period. ii) this is Canadian Dollars so that payable is like $9,000 US dollars
  14. AMY has cratered so far, the remaining fall from here is not very far. OR are you saying this is the time go quadruple down and lower the average cost of my AMY? OR OR could it be nobody is listening, because nobody cares anymore??
  15. You don't think he comes home to tell the team, or does he just call Warde and say AMF (or call Santa and say ONO)
  16. thread title change countdown 10 ......................... 9. .............
  17. How much is that in Best Buy coupons?
  18. With the win he is in the Masters, am or pro, and he jumped from 4102 to 68 in the OWGR by winning the AmEx; that puts him on the cusp of making the majors by getting into the top 50, and winning gets him into the Signature ($20mm limited field events) unless there is fine print somewhere about having to be a PGA tour member. He will be fine with his decision, either way - I can't think he stays am for long, as IMO it would be hard to play in the college events all the while knowing you have a golden ticket to play in PGA events. Then again he might just be giving a little time to get his sponsor deals worked out. https://www.owgr.com/playerprofile/nick-dunlap(am)-28270
  19. Cmon man, they are super invested in the Bills; have you ever shoveled show out of the stadium seats before?
  20. Hey, Detroit has never lost a Super Bowl. Just sayin - @Juicy can verify
  21. And Burns dunks another off 18 tee, beezdude birdies 18, lead down to 1 for Dunlap and in the rough off the tee
  22. Hole Lee Shit - Burns drowns his tee Ball on 17, and Dunlap tees off on 18 with a 2 shot lead
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