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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. I have to think that all AD's, who are worth anything, have a working list for every coach at the school as to who is the immediate interim coach if something happens to the Head coach, and another list of who they want to talk to as a full time replacement if needed. I'd love to see the list leaked related to replacing $t Nick And 'Bama has to do this somewhat on the downlow as it will look really bad to publicly be turned down by 1 or more coaches. (hell look what happened when Luke Fickell turned down MSU, they made stretch hire in Mel Tucker, extended the stretch by his contract extension after year 2, and got caught with their dick in their hand when they had to fire him) - wait...wut?
  2. I've always said that you could only trust up the point that I could steal enough to buy my own island, easy answer was 9 digits. One time, the bank rolled over an overnight investment at the company I was controller at, and the $1.2 million was miskeyed at $120 million (someone moved the decimal two places). Sadly they had corrected it before I even knew it happened; I heard there is a small island in the Caribbean that is nice this time of year, I miss that island.
  3. Couple of years ago, due to an enlarged prostate, I reached a point where I could not pee. It isn't really painful, but the discomfort grows as time goes by, and 5 hours later when the urologist office finally could see me they got me catheterized and collected over a liter of urine (+/- how much spilled in the process) 2 best days of my life that year were, in order: a) the day I got the catheter in and the pressure relieved b) the day (about 2 weeks later, after surgery) when I got the catheter removed I will say that you learn to live with it - I went to work, went to a college football game, somewhat normal life stuff - you just have to remember to empty the bag every time you can. now back to talking about cancer and not enlarged prostates (which tested negative for the big C) and catheters.
  4. FYI - the airframe that lost its plug was delivered in October. I'm not saying there isn't ongoing maintenance requirements, but don't pretend this was a plane with thousands and thousands of hours on it.
  5. TIL, many people think it is a bolt tightening error, completely missing the importance of the bolt tightening inspectors
  6. Hypothetically (asking for a friend) - if you were flying into Seattle this summer would you exclude Alaska Air and favor Delta (both offer direct/non-stop flights), or would you assume that 5-6 months out Boeing & AA will get this shit figured out? Using wiki as a source: Alaska Air - 66 of 231 aircraft are 737 Maxx (all but 1 being Maxx 9's) Delta - 0 of 978 aircraft are 737 Maxx (though the do have 100 Maxx 10's on order) I would fly Southwest for the free luggage - but I don't really want to see Midway, DIA, Sky Harbor or Harry Reid along the way
  7. Great season - can't wait to see all the new clothes my brothers and friends start to wear. Timing is everything, and it all lined up and UM took full advantage of this year. You are right about having to get it this year - because next year includes UT, USC, @Washington (though they will fall hard), Oregon and @OSU). But I did want to point out that including Iowa in your year end gaunlet comment is very laughable (reference their last 2 games they lost by a combined 61-0, their entire season scoring an "impressive" 20 offensive TD's in 14 games, and yet they managed to have a 10 win season)
  8. All you young fuckers should read "The 100 year life", talks about how more than 1/2 of the people my kids age 22-31, are likely to live to 100. Excluded true 3rd world countries. But the book is about planning your life with that in mind; take care of your health, finances, social activity. And that ifi will look different than the traditional 3 phases of life - education, working, retirement.
  9. I don't really care who wins ----- ah fuck that, I hope that Michigan loses, they will play well, feel like they should have won, and rationalize some bad call, dropped ball, time keeper error, missed call, or other bullshit. Go Huskies (I plan on watching some of the 4th quarter, when all the important shit happens)
  10. now that would be a book for Surly
  11. I can give you 2 solid reasons that UUUU performs as it does: a) it is a Surly Stonk favorite ii) Wally Fairway actually owns shares in UUUU
  12. That sounds like a very solid plan; however I think if I did that we would end up in a famine, a war, another pandemic, and I'd end up like my good buddy Slim Pickens riding that bomb all the way into the ground
  13. I think that is something that Charlie was able to get Warren to see.
  14. Tax may be a big influence, but no RMD requirement is a big deal, and I know there used to be different rules for impact to beneficiary upon your ultimate demise
  15. I hope there was a Heidi category, or maybe final jeopardy answer
  16. If that is signed on the coin holder, then doesn't that need to be inside another case to keep someone from rubbing off the signature? Asking for some friends
  17. I have mixed feelings about Ramsey - overall his advice is very good for people who struggle to get out of debt (which I agree is the first step to wealth building), it is very simplistic but is solid advice to his audience. I think he misses the mark by telling people to not start retirement saving until they get to one of his higher steps; I think, generally, that you are an idiot to not get an employer match in to a 401k if it is offered). And he somewhat misses the mark with his debt snowball of paying off smallest balances vs. paying off higher interest rated debt - but there is real value it paying off a debt and moving on to the next one. Especially in a situation where the large, high interest rate debt may take years to pay off. His advice to get a 2nd or 3rd job, as hard as it is to hear, is likely the only way some people will be able to paydown debt. There are too many examples of how easy it is to get credit, especially credit cards. One last overall comment, we have friends that live in the Brentwood/Franklin area just outside Nashville, and they say that Dave's house is up on one of the hills in a gated private exclusive community which strikes me with a wierd vibe as someone making his money selling get out of debt advice to the poors. And recommending insurance companies, financial advisors,etc - all of which I'm certain he gets a good cut from.
  18. I figured why not a thread about people who tell you how to make money, invest in the market, or other general financial advisors. No coincidence that I am starting this thread with an article about Robert Kiyosaki - aka RIch Dad/Very Poor Dad. Dude is over a $1 billion in debt, and celebrating it.
  19. I can't wait for the to appear in a Grisham or Connelly novel
  20. The 2024 Tour kicks off in a couple of hours: First group on the tee - Morikawa, Xander & Tom Kim Last group to tee off - Jordan, Scotty & Viktor If I had to pick 2 tee times to bet on to find the winner, those would be the 2 Wally Fairway = #TeamPGATour
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