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Wally Fairway

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Posts posted by Wally Fairway

  1. 4 hours ago, Stella Link said:

    Ok, so who are these countries that are running up all of the global debt?  We need to cut off their credit and put them on a austerity repayment plan.....oh, wait....

    All of them.

    Nothing a global war, famine or plague can't cure.

  2. 26 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    they might have to go with the "well we do not have an interim president, but the VP of some bullshit will handle day to day operations until this is settled with an increase in pay" or they might have to go to that organization of retired university presidents and administrations that has people that will come in short term to clear up fuckups until you can get a new administration (where north Texas state got V. Lane Rawlins from and if you are not familiar with that V. Lane was a figure head that was asleep at the wheel while north Texas state finalized the theft of tens of millions of state dollars and while the dallas based system fucked over the main Denton campus to the benefit of dallas proper system entities)

    They already did that in the time between LA SImon resigning and Engler being appointed, and that VP of some bullshit was then appointed the interim AD. IMO that interim title could just be a long term thing, as I can't imagine who would want the AD job under an interim President and a BOT that is being tone-deaf and battered in the media.

  3. From todays Lansing State Journal (I won't link it because paywall & I've used my 3 free articles this month)
    EAST LANSING - A survivor of abuse at the hands of former Michigan State University doctor Larry Nassar said Friday that interim President John Engler offered her $250,000 during a sit-down meeting where they discussed what the university has done in the wake of the Nassar scandal.



    Kaylee Lorincz, who spoke during public comment at Friday’s MSU Board of Trustees meeting, said she asked for a meeting with Engler two weeks ago, hoping to share her story, that she thought it would help MSU heal.

    After explaining what MSU has done in recent weeks, Engler told Lorincz and her mother, Lisa, that cooperation between survivors and the university couldn’t occur until settlements in the civil litigation were reached.

    That’s when Engler offered her $250,000, Lorincz said during her public comment at a meeting of MSU's Board of Trustees.

    "Mr. Engler then looked directly at me and asked, 'Right now, if I wrote you a check for $250,000 would you take it?'" Lorincz said. "When I explained that it’s not about the money for me and that I just want to help, he said, 'Well give me a number.' He also said that he had met with Rachael Denhollander and that she gave him a number."

    Lorincz said she later spoke with Denhollander, the first woman to publicly accuse Nassar of sexual abuse, and was told that she hadn't given Engler a number, nor met with him.

    Lorincz said she felt she was being bullied into something and without her lawyer present.

    It was at that point, Lorincz said, that Carol Viventi, vice president and special counsel to the president, stepped in to say the civil litigation was about money.

    Lorincz referred to Viventi as Engler's attorney during her comment. That prompted Engler to respond that Viventi isn't his attorney.

    He did not formally respond to Lorincz's statement following her comment. When he attempted to have her step away from the podium after her three minutes were up, protest erupted inside the meeting room.

    Chants of "Let her speak" rang out from a crowd of more than two dozen student activists and parents of Nassar survivors. Protestors also supported Lisa Lorincz when she spoke prior to her daughter.

    In a conversation with Lisa Lorincz on Friday morning, MSU spokesperson Emily Guerrant, who was in the meeting with Engler, said her interpretation had been that Engler wasn't offering a settlement, but engaging in a “philosophical discussion” about what amount would be appropriate.

    Guerrant said Engler would not be available to media for comment immediately following the meeting but promised that MSU's communications office would respond to emailed questions later today.

    Engler addressed the Jane Doe lawsuit at the MSU Board of Trustees meeting

    Engler said during the Board of Trustees meeting Friday morning that mediation with the people who have filed civil suits against MSU over abuse by Nassar would begin again on April 25 and 26.

    "Enough is enough. I just want to see a just and equitable settlement where we do right by our courageous survivors," Trustee Brian Mosallam said in a statement sent out over Twitter on Friday morning.

    Engler, speaking to a committee of the state legislature in March, said he hoped the lawsuits would be settled by the end of the semester. MSU's spring semester ends May 5.

    In a press release, Manly, Stewart & Finaldi, the law firm representing Lorincz in a civil suit against MSU, noted that the $250,000 Lorincz said Engler offered her "was less than 10% of the average amount that Penn State University paid to the male victims of Jerry Sandusky."

    Check back for updates.



    Well I can't click back for updates, because I out of freebies this month on the LSJ.

    But if you believe Kaylee Lorincz, then no only did Engler offer a negotiate a settlement with her but he lied to her about having talked to Rachel Denhollander.
    I'm sure there will be another press release soon, explaining that it wasn't an offer and that this is not how he (or anyone else on the BOT or in the meeting) remembers it.

    Seriously, these things will not be won in the media, or on twitter. What a shitshow all around.
    FWIW - I wasn't really aware of the last weeks worth of stuff, due to being busy. But I heard it being discussed on talk radio coming back to work this afternoon.

    Also seeing reports that MSU people are saying that is not how they remember the exchange and it was not an offer to settle.

    #shitshow continues for the President Engler and BOT
    (sadly, like PSU there are many who are supporting the "strong" position that Engler is taking in the ongoing rebuttal with ESPN and other ongoings)

  4. marketwatch.com - it allow you to create a portfolio with a combination of market indicators and stocks. you will have to create an account for their site to be able to keep the portfolio active for more than one session. investing is more serious than being a message board asshole , so my user name there is Walter J Fairway
    it isn't great, but for a quick look it works; and it keeps me from peeking at my accounts to see how I'm really doing more often than I should.

  5. 15 hours ago, Horn21 said:

    This isn't an either/or situation. There is more than enough room in the asshole universe for all of them to be assholes.  His sister is in her 20s, I believe.  She's old enough to be an asshole all on her own.  And of course, there is plenty of room for Patrick Reed to be an asshole, which he certainly appears to be.

    Having said that, and as Shane Ryan pointed out, it's pretty rare for a person to sever familial ties for no reason.  And the current narrative is being shaped largely by Patrick's parents, as their side is the only one speaking publicly.  

    IMO, I think the most likely reality is that Patrick Reed is an asshole, with an asshole sister, both being raised by assholes and he happened to marry an asshole.

    Sounds like the entire lot of them would fit right in around here.


    15 hours ago, heso said:

    There are many different types of assholes. The cunty, steal from your teammates type of asshole seems to get pushed out pretty quickly around here (excluding the cloakroom where it’s celebrated).

    I'm gonna throw my 2¢ into this ongoing discussion and make my uneducated guess about the Reed family schism.

    Timing of the split leads me to believe that his family had some issue with him marrying his wife, I going to guess that things were said and lines were drawn. Patty Reed sided with his wife, and they have left behind the problems. There are always 2 sides to this and I feel bad for all of them for airing their issues publicly, and using the Masters media circus to tear the scab off this scar.
    And while I'm not a fan of people (allegedly) stealing from team mates, cheating on the course, and DUI's; I find it ironic that if you win enough majors then people can get past your man-whoring/cheating or your drug using, sleeping with other players wives (allegedly) past and wish you well in your comeback.

    In the end these guys are renowned for their ability to hit golf balls, some do better than other at life.
    I'm not going to boo him, or root against him - but I also won't be pulling for him to win either. There are 100 winners on tour, and what 20 major winners who still play - so pick someone you like to root for.

    Sidenote/disclaimer - I was (and still am) a huge Freddie fan, and his personal life is somewhat troubling. But man he has a beautiful swing.

  6. 36 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    shit is so fucking sad, but DADS....implore your daughters....GO TO THE FUCKING POLICE IMMEDIATELY.....the schools have shown time and time again they will protect themselves first and the student second if at all.

    I know situation is not that cut and dry, but a #speakup movement seems more important at this point than the #metoo movement.  The issue wouldn't be as bad today if this was preached.

    I hate that I have to say it, but go to the State Police, or sheriff department, the closer you get to the local PD the more conflicts that potentially are involved. I've told my daughter to not call the campus PD, or even the city PD (she does not go to MSU, fwiw)

    • Like 2
  7. I was just about to post about this on the football board - as that is where the MSU dumbfuckery thread was on tOld Board.


    Here is a link from a local paper about this incident, I am pissed that the MSU Counseling Center would handle these allegation in such a manner. What they are alluding to in the article is a culture on campus to "protect the brand", which is a huge problem that has brought resignation from the President and AD.

    The article also provides a fairly good summary of items from the other incidents.

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