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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. OU will still suck Bob Stoops will live in a memory care unit , with his bag of dicks
  2. just another day in the market, or is it? tl:dr - 🚀
  3. Bama says why steal signals when you can just hire a recent UM assistant coach Nick is gonna Nick
  4. First thing that jumps right out at me is how does this guy think that Iowa is scoring 17 points - in one game? Did the Tennessee defense all enter the portal?
  5. We will see how well that can work, when the Treasury has to issue into a market where China isn't a buyer, US individuals don't want lower rate notes, banks don't like them, and the Fed is the last buyer standing
  6. So the husband, Christian, is the Reb State Chairman, and Bridget, is a supporter of the don't say gay legislation - member of the school board AND is one the appointees by Gov. Shorty DeSantis on the new oversight board for the DisneyWorld Central Florida Tourism District. So my question is Bridget gay, bi, or a hypocrite?
  7. Uncle Warren seems to disagree with you - Berkshire increased their stake in Oxy to just over 26%, buying about $600 million this week
  8. I will repeat my mantra - shut your whore mouth Mr JPow. We all know he will say that the Fed will continue to be cautious; remain diligent in the effort to constrain inflation and he will even hint at a the idea of continuing to hike rates into the first 1/2 of 2024. Then when he is done talking, he will see if he can close out the puts he bought this morning.
  9. That seems like a power move a power move to get a higher bid maybe/maybe not And I am a huge Freddie fan, he is my fav from that era (the post Jack/pre Tiger age) and I think it is amazing because he was the King of getting paid during the silly season. I am pretty sure he has the highest career earnings from the Skins games.
  10. Obviously the SPR is actually for political gamesmanship. And why would producers want to ramp up at $70 when they might be able to wait for $100 (or more under your scenario)
  11. So @Nice Guy Eddie is John Stoltzfus, or is Oppenheimer just stealing Surly content? sorry for doxing you John, errrr I mean Eddie Betting grows that S&P 500 will hit record high, with Oppenheimer joining Wall Street's bullish calls for 2024 | Morningstar
  12. for validation purposes, please link to your Dec 2022 post that gives your end of 2023 prediction - thanks in advance (disclaimer - if/when the Fed raises again, and breaks the mindset, backs and wallets of those expecting a rate reduction then we could see some capitulation or in the ever irrational market it could stabilize or rise. )
  13. Well that language doesn't stop NFL teams from pursuing him , now does it?
  14. I believe up in these parts that is now called Mel Tuckering yourself out of a job
  15. 4 teams, with 5 Power conferences; it was always apparent that someone had to be left out. If you think that there is no justice then complain about the system not when you feel slighted. I can't wait for the updated system, not because it will be "fair" but because it will be so much fun to listen to the 13 ranked teams fan piss and moan about being cheated out of making the playoffs, and about having to play in the Myrtle Beach, New Mexico or Idaho bowl game.
  16. The joke is on Gaetz-the-clown, as he doesn't even realize that his actions could be the trigger to making the Repubicans the minority party. Once all the moves, retirements, etc take effect in January. And he will be the laughing stock when Hakeem Jefferies is seated as speaker.
  17. surly photoshoppers - do your thing (I envision OUsux banner flying over the stadium, bert making an apperance, Stoops eating dicks, etc) wtf is this opposing fans chatting nicely bullshit, and I have never been at a tailgate or around a stadium that has no trash all over the ground) @RamjetFDO @THUJONE etc
  18. The market is drifting lower, maybe sliding; or conversely it is being affected by selective tax loss harvesting trades. Your guess is as good as mine, or anyone elses.
  19. So you are saying we could "celebrate the 90th anniversary of the night of the long knives with Herr Trumpfh ceasing permanent control of the Republican Party (which is scheduled pretty darn close to that anniversary date) Coincedence? I think not!
  20. I hope his speach ends something like, only after going Full Elon and telling everyone to fuck themselves
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