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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. and deal with that 4 months of heat dome you had this year - I was in Houston for 3 days (after having lived there for over 15 years) and I'll take a few day of shoveling snow each year of summers like that.
  2. LMAO - there is a better chance of solving climate change, or racial/gender/religious biases then picking 1 way to do time zones. The largest Communist counry (by population) has 1 time zone - think about that, they are all UTC =8 And India is also 1 time zone and it is UTC+5.5 (yeah that is right they picked a half hour difference from anyone else half hour off time zones include - Irans, Afghanistan, Australia, Venezueal and Newfoundland (but not all of Canada) But here in the good old USA the hot topic is daylight saving time - and I will use Michigan as an example, the majority want to stop changing time something like 70-75% favor that; but half want no daylight saving time, and half want only daylight savings time (those are the enlighted one - IMO) so the polling breaks down like this 30% - keep changing 35% - only DST 35% - only Standard Time this crosses all party lines and industries, agriculture, tourism, education, manufacturing, etc - I don't think they will ever settle it. And me (living in a northern state, on the western edge of the time zone), I enjoy playing golf past 10 pm for weeks in the summer, being at the beach, and my July 4th fireworks around 10:30
  3. He is not wrong; and also I was hungry early today so there is that.
  4. Hey - I have made a career out of completing TPS reports; someone wants them, and they pay me money, I am going to produce them. Produce them as financial statements, or charts, graphs, gifs, maybe even sneak in a photo of your mom from last night (oops sorry thought it was South Austin calling us out). And now for something completely different - back to Coach Harbah Fuck Michigan!
  5. I guess we all knew where this would lead - primarily because it's me
  6. I swear to God I don't even know where Citizens bank is located; so this one isn't on me
  7. You should follow RDCane and let the sun service when you walk the dogs
  8. What the hell was SC doing in that last drive? Keeping the game under 100?
  9. We are talking about America Not Hawaii, PR or AZ
  10. I hope so, I started buying years ago and don't plan on stopping. I'll buy the dip when he and) or Uncle Charlie die. My only regret is not starting decades ago (then again Schwab's algo rates it a C)
  11. I'm not saying MSU isn't the worst team in the B1G, I'm saying there is at least a discussion they might not be the worst. Nebraska sucks, just sayin
  12. Run Warren Run https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/04/berkshire-hathaway-brk-earnings-q3-2023.html Only have $157B in cash, operating earnings up 40%, but lost $20+B on investments I have no idea if that is good or not, and if that pushes BRK.A/B up or down
  13. Picture of the Michi fanbase - because they are the Queen of De-Nile
  14. First rule of stonks is you don't talk about stonks - see today's UUUU decline for an example of what happens when you talk about stonks
  15. I think the penalty should be they lose this years B1G revenue sharing check from the media deal; that should turn some heads in AA
  16. your pictures are not showing up - please fix this user error
  17. Thanks Can't wait for Michigan to be good without cheating, and hopefully you can get John to when Jim is fired (err allowed to go to the NFL)
  18. Don't sugar coat it, tell us how you really feel. Let the hate flow through you; & feel the power of the dark side...
  19. Could it be that in your heart that Juicy is a Florida/Tebow and OSU fan? just askin
  20. sadly this is all I can afford - burnt orange countach (built by Mattel)
  21. So I see all the investing sites have articles taken off from Druckenmiller's comment about Yellen not borrowing more when interrest rates were low; but I thought the debt celiling limited the amount of Treasuries that the US could issue. Am I missing something - the Fed can kinda do as they think is best, but Treasury is limited by Congress. I'm not saying we (the US Gov't) shouldn't have loaded up on selling Treasuries when they were near zero, but wouldn't Congress have to approve this plan.
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