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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. I struck out - had targeted Wed but the ticket prices never really dropped (hell they had actually gone up by 8:20), and I was at Paris eating and didn't want to cut that short. So I had Friday as a back up, prices dropped, though I'm not certain when that happened as I was at a family event with dinner out in Henderson. So I didn't remember to look at Vivid until about 9:00, but there were a good number of tickets available for under $200 at that point. I did drive by early (6:15am) Thursday, and parked for a while on Manhattan which would have been a perfect place except for the stands that are up for F-1 in a couple of weeks.
  2. I haven't followed all of this, for the obv reason that it didn't make a shits worth of difference to MSU's horrible fucking program at this time, but is there an idea exactly when this is supposedly to have started? Could it have been a couple of years ago when Michigan finally go over the hump from Harb's having good seasons to finally beating the Bucknuts and winning the conference? Asking for a couple of friends
  3. LOL - what is this the stonk thread of football bets
  4. Good luck, I've played that game and it is great when you are right and it pays off, but I've found many ways to be wrong
  5. This hits close to home I vacationed there, about 40 years ago. Almost drowned parasailing, good times, spoiler - I didn't die
  6. It is called rationalization. Like when you were in your 20's, been drinking it is late on a Saturday night and hit on a chick/dude who is a solid 6.5 and tell everyone the next day they were a 9.
  7. I have never heard of this website before - but it was posted on another site I infrequent, so here it is. Glancing at it looks like an onion+chive site, but who am I to judge Jim Harbaugh Announces Resignation As Michigan Head Coach (triond.net)
  8. We all started with between $15,000 and Harrison Stafford money - and we all have about $50 left in our stonks. Honesty - I had about 2.5% of my investment in stonks, and then ALPP hit and that almost quadrupled the amount (sale of ALPP, and stupidly buying other non-RCR recommended stuff), and now it is probably back to between the 2-3% range.
  9. Too bad we can't have in thread polls: a) Emmer gets elected Speaker b) Emmer gets between 201 and 1 less than 50% c) Emmer gets fewer than 200 votes d) Emmer's name is never up for a vote e) As if
  10. You are a comedian right. Not a chance in hell, at least at this point.
  11. I've been in meetings all morning - can someone tell who the new Speaker is? or who is being targeted by Keep the House Stalemated caucus and is going to finish 2nd to Jeffries in the next vote
  12. that little bitch AMY looks to be crossing into teen territory, heading into true penny stock status.
  13. LOL - those were bad back in the day; if you liked the area 5401 Chimney Rock was the place to be. (raise your hand if you are a former 5401 resident, jump up an yell if you live there currently) 🙋‍♂️
  14. I'm am thinking this is hanging, with pride, in the offices of Gaetz and his buddies
  15. I think the majority party controls the nomination process....well in theory they control it; not sure they control shit right now. Bad news is there are some that like being the shiny turd in the shit show.
  16. That seems like it should work, but in the political reality we are currently living in - the Dems have been given the gift of letting the Repubs show that they cannot rule/legislate when in the majority. This process, when it works, allows the majority party, through their conference, to elect leaders of the house and of committees, but it is a crappy system if there is a coalition. And that is what the Repubs are in actuality, seems like this could fracture the party, and it may cause moderate (some might say reasonable) Repubs to actually reach out to the Dems; the problem is that they might want a few to reach over and support Jeffries. In reality, if there was a split it would take a great deal of compromise to get anything passed. But it would be a huge defeat for the current majority to have to make a coalition; not sure how much worse that could be (or be perceived to be) that the shitstorm the R conference has right now (quick question bigger mess - the 2024 PAC 12 conference, or the Republican conference/) footnote; Zero democrats voted no in the Republican conference last week that pushed Gym (was Gym one of the lolllipop kids?) out of contention for the speaker.
  17. I am hoping to go Wed or Friday - I've read that you can get tickets for under $200, if you wait until after the 8:00 start time. I've read they are available on some apps, but not on all.
  18. The Aristocrats! Seriously these are great questions - one of you should as Fitlump, during a break in a City Council meeting
  19. Haven't you read up on this, if Trump was in office or would have been the best military withdrawal ever, it would have been beautiful. And it was all those Democrats who voted no that caused McCarthy to lose the speakers seat. I should know, I read all about it in the Internet
  20. If I thought they were reasonable or intelligent, then I would say that they fucked around and found out. But I really doubt that they can change their game, so it will continue until someone has to introduce he bill to empower Patrick McHenry to do the work of the Speaker. Though honestly I don't see how that really ever passes. reminder - Zero democrats voted no on the Republican caucus secret ballot if Gym Jordan should be the candidate for the 4th try. Which means they will have to order their own pizza this weekend.
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