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Wally Fairway

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Everything posted by Wally Fairway

  1. I am certain that 0% of the no votes in the Republican Caucas were cast by Democrats; yet some mouth breather will twist statement blaming them.
  2. Matt Gaetz - representative from Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz | Representing the 1st District of Florida (house.gov) Matt Gertz - Sr. Fellow at Media Matters Matt Gertz | Media Matters for America the first one initiated the revolution, the second one is just reporting on it
  3. I wonder how much it bothers the UAW (and specifically Shaun Fain) that the news of the past 2 weeks has pretty much kept the strike out of the news. It barely makes the local news, and I am just over an hour from the GM & Ford HQ and there are 2 plants in our community that are on strike. I do see there is another weekly update today at 4pm, which I'd guess means no new strike targets, as they have announced those in that past at a 10am presser for noon walkouts. Sidenote: it is fun to drive past the pickets and honk, then watch them get all excited for the "support".
  4. Carnival barker is back on the stage and the side show monkeys will start griding their music boxes because the show must go on. These fuckers are really committed to locking down the legislative branch and stalemating the process. They should trade the elephant for the donkey, as they are making assess of themselves and the party. Crash and burn baby, crash and burn.
  5. whoa - S&P is up about 450 (11% YTD, 600/15% 12 months) and down about 300 off the mid- summer high psycho split personality market is a crazy bitch
  6. Spoilered for those who haven't watched a 30 year old movie. I think Patriot Games might have been my favorite Jack Ryan book.
  7. if only I think that Matt Gaetz place in history might just be the vote that finalized the split of the republican party.
  8. NCAA is going to have serious and severe penalties for this, most likely will punish Western Michigan, Central or Eastern to set an example that this will not be tolerated
  9. The small group of Republicans that voted out McCarthey are all happy to march the US government down the path of shutting down the government, default on debt obligations, not passing any legislation. And they all think that this will lead to Trumpf winning the 2024 Presidency and a Repulican landslide in the down ticket voting including the Senate and House races. Sadly, I think this is showing that Trump has made it more difficult to elect republicans as many will not vote a Trump backed candidate and another group will not vote for anyone who is not backed my the orange man.
  10. Inside look at the Republican Conference And for those voting against JJ it is beatings will continue until voting improves
  11. I would like to offer everyone who has posted in this thread moral support; but I'm amoral. Or was that I'm immoral. Well good luck to everyone, either way.
  12. You may have misjudged the room; this is Surly, not a confesional
  13. damnitall - now I have to determine if I am the bubba idiot Dickbutt or the jedi master Dickbutt well that depends if you are a priest with diddle the little boys fetish or the you pay money to see nekked girls with sharpies in the butt on only fans fetish
  14. let me summarize AoF stance to these conversations
  15. and because this thread is sadly lacking in memes, gifs and photos
  16. If a tomato is actually a fruit, does that mean I am really putting jam on my french fries? Also for what it worth: Ketchup is for fries Mustard is the king of condiments and can be use with any food - I particularly like it with eggs, breakfast tacos, almost anything (but not cereal)
  17. Looks like this was true - so I'll quote it and not just repost it (I will also quote it when it is not true. Which could be tomorrow)
  18. Dickbutt - this is where it all started (just for the record)
  19. Seriously (answer my damned poll you MF'rs) is this discussion worth our time and efforts? Are we all just blowhards looking to prove our point or see who (is morally corrupt and disagrees with me)? Or do we just like to post memes? If we think it is pointless why do we continue to post? dickbutt?
  20. You have given 1 example of something that you call objectively immoral - and yet there are times in history that rape has been one of the tools of war. All the way back to Genghis Khan, who I have read that genetic testing says that 1-200 are descendants. While I find it abhorrent, as I do murder, slavery, etc., I believe that cultural/religious influences determine "normal" To use the above nudity example, and expand on it - where is the objective moral status of extra-marital sexual relations, bi-sexual relation, inter-racial marriage, slavery, homosexuality, etc. Many people use historical guidelines, such as the laws of God (Torah, Bible, 10 commandments, Koran/Quron, Vedas, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Mein Kampf? All have/had many followers. The earth is the center of the universe, nope the Sun is the center of the universe, and so on - if science can change or recognize new information, then does not the same thing hold true to moral? Can we judge all people based upon the current moral climate (seems like we do, or at least some of us do).
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